Chapter 5

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"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Draco.

"Potter. You have to do everything you can to make him your friend this year," insisted Narcissa.

Draco didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or scream. However he was in public, so he opted for none of the three.  

"You don't know what you're talking about, mother. He hates me, and he has every reason to," he brought one hand to his forehead, while with the other he held his own trunk firmly up in front of him, hiding the erection caused by Hermione.

His penis didn't want to give him a break. And she didn't want to give a break to his penis, with her stupid scent and her stupid pink skin and her stupid soft hips wrapped perfectly in those stupid, outrageous pants that Muggles call jeans.

He tried to put a stop to his mother's absurd plans.  

"Potter is not coming to Hogwarts this year". He sighed "he and Weasley have been taken to the Auror class."

Narcissa stared at him with both eyebrows raised in amazement. "Without even finishing their N.E.W.T.s?"

"Evidently having defeated Lord Voltemort is more important than taking a diploma." He caught the discomfort he had caused in his mother by saying that name, but he didn't care. Voldemort was dead and he didn't want him to have any more influence over his life.

Narcissa wrapped both arms around her chest haughtily. "Then you have no choice, son," she said, looking at him apprehensively. "You're going to have to be friend with that girl, the m…"

Draco knew very well what his mother was about to say. Old habits die hard.  

He glared at her. Say it mother, he thought to himself. Let's see if you dare.  


"Miss Granger," Narcissa concluded. "I know there's a stormy past, but showing up in her vicinity would give a great impression of the Malfoy's change in the eyes of the magical world."

Draco couldn't take any more of that talk. Interrupting his mother in the middle of what had by now become a full-blown monologue, he greeted her with a hasty kiss and headed for the train.  

Contrary to his mother's wishes, and his own penis, he was determined to stay as far away from Hermione Granger as possible.


Hermione boarded the train still puzzled by her encounter with the Malfoys. Narcissa was certainly a woman who had a way with words, and brave enough to look her in the eye and apologize for what had happened. Shee had to hand it to her, she'd had guts.

That was no small feat, Hermione considered, since not only had she been tortured in the woman's home, but also at the hands of her deceased sister.

She found an empty compartment on the train and sat down, making herself comfortable and pulling from her bag one of the many books she had already read and reread over the past week. She looked out the window at all the students heading for the train, accompanied by their parents. It was so easy to tell the muggleborns from the purebloods.

However, compared to her early years at Hogwarts, she saw many purebloods chatting politely with Muggle parents, while their children exchanged shy greetings or big hugs.  

Perhaps Narcissa's reaction indicated that something had changed among Britain's pureblood elite.  

She was happy. All the suffering she'd gone through maybe, in the end, had led to something good.  


Parents were exchanging final hugs with their children, the train was about to leave. The compartment door opened revealing Luna and Ginny, who sat down together.  

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