1-Mr and Mrs Barnes

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After Thanos clicked his fingers a few months ago, you all went back to kill him after a woman named Nebula gave you his location. However, you thought it would make more sense to get the Infinity Stones he has in his possession, so you could use them to bring everyone back.

That plan didn't work out so well, since Thanos told you he destroyed them so he couldn't be tempted to use them again. So, instead of letting him live, Thor cut his head off with a swing of his new axe.

That brings you to where you are now, back in your apartment in Brooklyn with Bucky. Since half of the world population was missing, it seemed a lot more empty than usual. Still, you and Bucky were extremely lucky to have eachother. Many people weren't as lucky.

Since then, the two of you have been 'trying for kids'. By that, I mean the both of you have been having sex non stop in hopes that you'll get pregnant out of it. You've stopped taking your birth control so that the chances would be higher, and Bucky always spills inside of you on purpose.

"Are you pregnant yet?" He asks one night, after you were done.

"What?" You chuckle, pulling the bedsheets over you. "Bucky, do you know how the female anatomy works?"

"No, I never had to study it." He lays down next to you.

"We don't know if we're pregnant straight after sex, we have to wait."

"Right," Bucky nods. "How long exactly?"

"A few weeks." You smile at his excitement.

"Okay, that should be fine." He says, but it sounds like he's trying to tell that to himself.

Yes, it sounds bad that the both of you are having a great time while everyone else isn't. The two of you refuse to be bummed out by this situation when you've got eachother, so why not make use of the opportunity? You've even been doing some more wedding planning and you've set a date for it as well. Since you don't want it to be a huge wedding, it was pretty easy to plan. You were only going to invite the Avengers who didn't snap away and Raya, since she didn't snap away either.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife." Bucky says, pecking your lips. It's like he was thinking about the same thing.

"I can't wait for you to be my husband." You say, pecking him back.


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"No fucking way!" You gasp as Natasha walks into your dressing room, giving you the shoes you thought didn't arrive yet. "How did you get these?"

"A lot of negotiation." She chuckles, lifting your dress up to slip it on your feet. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." You gush. You do feel a little upset that Wanda couldn't be here with you though.

"Everyone's already out there, so you can come out any time now." She chuckles, walking out of the room to take her seat.

You look at yourself in the mirror to see how beautiful you really do look. You've got your hair and makeup done, as well as jewelry over your neck and ears. You're sure you could pass as a disco ball if someone shone a light on you.

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