30 Ways to Piss Off Ron Weasley

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30 Ways to Piss Off Ron

1) Look at Ginny

2) Talk to Ginny

3) Talk about Ginny

4) Think about Ginny

5) Ask Ginny out

6) See numbers 1-5 and replace Ginny with Hermione

7) Tell him Draco Malfoy plays a better chess game

8) Ask him to do your homework. Tell him it's because only he can do it. "Not me, not Hermione, you, Ron."

9) Dress up as Lavender Brown and stalk him.

10) Constantly yell out for "Won-Won".

11) Dress up as Snape and wake him up in the middle of the night.

12) Dress up as Voldemort, hide under his bed, then crawl your hands up and over the sides of his bed in the middle of the night.

13) Constantly mention how great of a pet your pet is, nothing like that rat "Scabbers".

14) Use the "your mom" jokes on him.

15) Mention Percy and suggest that maybe Ron should follow in his shoes.

16) Pay Draco Malfoy to follow Ron, and loudly proclaim his love for him, despite his blood traitor status.

17) Ask him when he plans on proposing to Harry.

18) Tell him that if he doesn't hurry up, Draco will beat him to it.

19) If he argues that he loves Hermione, tell him Draco will probably beat him to that too.

20) Then introduce him to Dramione/Drarry fanfics.

21) Tell him he doesn't stand a chance.

22) Mention Umbridge.

23) Tell him Lucius Malfoy says hi, and wink.

24) Comment that the Chudley Cannons will never win the Quidditch World Cup, cause they stink at playing.

25) Call him a blood traitor.

26) Set Crookshanks on him.

27) Lean in really close (uncomfortably so) and say, "It's Wingardium LeviOHsa, not leviosAH...." in as obnoxious a tone as you can manage.

28) Ask him who made his sweater, trolls?

29) When the room is quiet, suddenly break out singing "Weasley is our King!" and don't stop. Dodge the curses.

30) Tell him Draco Malfoy is a better Keeper.

~ + ~

Eh, this one was hard. Towards the end, I couldn't think of how to piss him off...so...Working on the next one! How to piss off Harry! :)

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