30 Ways to Piss Off Draco Malfoy

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30 Ways to Piss Off Draco Malfoy (for PoetryNPurple - hope it satisfies! :D)

1)      Ask him how his best friend Harry is doing.

2)      Then ask him if he's still sore about Harry's refusal of friendship.

3)      Poke his head and ask him if he's naturally blonde.

4)      Dress up as Voldemort and hide under his bed. In the middle of the night, wake him up.

5)      Buy him a pet hippogriff and say it's a present from Hagrid.

6)      Comment on how great of a role model his father is. Then casually muse about the weather in Azkaban.

7)      Say, "That scar on your chest isn't nearly as cool as Harry's scar."

8)      Dress up as Dumbledore and follow him around.

9)      Turn all his robes red and gold.

10)   Buy him "How to Catch the Snitch for Dummies".

11)   Buy him a pet ferret.

12)   Tell him he hits like Hermione. Then change your mind. Hermione hits harder.

13)   Ask him how long he's been constipated.

14)   Ask, "How do you know you have pure blood...have you tasted it?"

15)   Then ask him why he doesn't sparkle in sunlight, like all the real men do.

16)   On a snow day, pretend you can't see him and run into him. Then act surprised and say, "Woah, I didn't see you there. You're so pale you just blended right in!"

17)   Introduce him to Drarry and Dramione fanfics.

18)   Then comment on how perfect he and Hermione (or Harry) are for each other.

19)   Ask him how he feels about the Forbidden Forest.

20)   Ask him if he's sure his mother wasn't Umbridge.

21)   Ask him to mend a Vanishing Cabinet for you.

22)   Set Moaning Myrtle loose in his bathroom.

23)   Ask if he's planning on proposing to her anytime soon.

24)   Tell him how much he reminds you of his Aunt Bellatrix - insane, ugly, and completely devoted to kissing others' arses.

25)   Recommend coverup to get rid of those bags under his eyes.

26)   Ask him if you can poke his Dark mark.

27)   Ask him if he can cast Sectumsempra.

28)   Say, "If money can buy everything, why can't you just buy your way into the top of the class, instead of having Mudblood Granger beat you at everything?"

29)   Tell him that crying is good for the soul. Crying in a bathroom is twice as good for the soul.

30)   Get him fitted for glasses and say it's to help him catch the Snitch next time.


Up Next: 30 Ways to Piss Off Bellatrix. :)

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