30 Ways to Piss Off Ginny Weasley

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A/N: Finally. Another list. :D So, if you want to make me happier (and thus more likely to upload quicker, should homework allow it), you should head over to my story Escaping Darkness and vote, 'cause it's in the Wattys as well. You don't have to read it, just vote/like/comment on it, yes? :) I'd very much like that. :)


30 Ways to Piss Off Ginny Weasley

1) Lick Harry Potter's nose.

2) Stick a poster of Cho Chang and Harry Potter kissing, above her bed with a Permanent Sticking Charm.

3) Give her a basilisk for her birthday.

4) Give her an empty diary for her birthday.

5) Paint the walls of her bedroom with blood red paint, saying, "The Chamber of Secrets has been reopened...in your bathroom."

6) Fill her room with roosters.

7) Lock her in a room with Cho Chang.

8) Take away their wands.

9) Ask Cho how it felt kissing Harry Potter.

10) Chant, "Fight, fight, fight, fight..."

11) Dye her hair green.

12) Lock her brothers up somewhere hidden, then tell her they went missing, and all anyone found was some rooster feathers and a mysterious red paint on the walls. Then mention the old diary you found.

13) Pay the Malfoys to adopt her and make her their slave. Tell her it's what she deserves, for being a blood traitor.

14) Tell her Luna "Loony" Lovegood stands a better chance with Harry.

15) Tell her the reason Harry broke up with her was because he loved Hermione more.

16) If she doesn't believe you, use Harmony fanfics as your evidence that they are having an affair.

17) Flick her nose.

18) Tell her you accidentally set Nagini loose in her father's room.

19) Tell her Lucius Malfoy got her father's job, and that her father now is jobless.

20) Set the Burrow on fire.

21) Hit a bludger at her.

22) Accuse her brother of being a lousy Keeper.

23) Proceed to sing Weasley Is My King.

24) Tell her that she fails as a duelist and that the D.A. kicked her out.

25) Tell her she stinks so much at Quidditch, she ought to go play for the Chudley Cannons.

26) Be a womanizer.

27) Be a female, and very pretty in the eyes of one Harry Potter.

28) Dress up as Voldemort and jump out at her from the hall closet.

29) Follow her around dressed as Umbridge, complete with sickly sweet voice and toadlike appearance.

30) Mention Dumbledore's death.


Eh, I ran out of ideas...so hopefully it's still humorous. :) Still love me? I'm thinking of doing...the Marauders next. Like, Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail, and Prongs all wrapped up in one? Dunno, just an idea.

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