30 Ways to Piss Off Snape

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So, I couldn't resist doing one more. If you have any ideas for another character you'd like me to make a list for, just let me know. Comment, fan, vote! :)

30 Ways to Piss Off Snape

1) Sing "Nananananana BATMAN!" whenever he enters the room.

2) Snicker and mumble to yourself while pointing at his hair.

3) When he asks you about it, smile innocently and tell him he should get a new hair stylist

4) Tell him Dumbledore has a picture of him under his pillow.

5) Constantly sneak extra ingredients into his potions.

6) Steal his wand and say the voices told you to do it.

7) Shout "Riddikulus" and point your wand at him whenever he enters the room.

8) Gush about how handsome James Potter was and say, "You should try to imitate his hairstyle."

9) Tell him that the Half-Blood Prince was much better as a frog.

10) Ask him, "if the princess kisses you again, will you turn back into a frog?"

11) Yell "You got nothing on James Potter!" whenever he tries to speak.

12) Knock on his door and use a Disillusionment spell to hide when he opens it, then say, "They're coming for you..."

13) Turn his robes bright yellow and say it makes him look young again.

14) Convince him to play poker, and tease him about his terrible poker face, saying, "You must be incredibly lucky! No spy would survive with that bad of a poker face!"

15) Ask him when he plans on proposing to Lupin.

16) Yell, "50 points from Slytherin for poor fashion taste!"

17) Gush about how great the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is.

18) Say, "Trelawney would make a better DADA teacher than you."

19) Ask him how he gets his hair so silky.

20) Ask him if it's true that Harry Potter is really his adopted son.

21) Rant about how "unoriginal" the name "Half-Blood Prince" is, and suggest something better, like "Batman's Apprentice". After all, accuracy is important.

22) Ask him how his breakup with Nagini is going.

23) Ask him if he would like a lemon drop.

24) Reenact a scene between him and Voldemort with two figurines, and have the Voldemort figurine Avada Kedavra the Snape figure. Then blame it on the Snape figurine's horrible poker face.

25) Tell Snape that you know a great hairstylist that can get rid of that greasy look and the gray hairs.

26) Tell him that if he keeps that expression on his face, his face is gonna get stuck that way.

27) Tell the Daily Prophet that Snape and Sirius Black had an affair during seventh year.

28) Ask him if you can borrow his cape, cause it would look great with your halloween costume - mention that you're going as Dracula.

29) Tell him you changed your mind and ask for a strand of his hair so you can go Polyjuiced as him.

30) Tell Snape that Chuck Norris can do a better roundhouse kick with no legs.


#30 is courtesy of LethalTrinity from fanfiction.net. :)

30 Ways to Piss Off The Harry Potter Cast [Watty Awards 2011]Where stories live. Discover now