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"Heard that you insulted Hafsa Sultan infront of everyone today?" Mehmed asked as soon as he entered the room and I put down my book before standing up and walking towards him.

"She deserve it. She forget I was a free woman and I needed to remind her I was not her slave who will bow to her." I replied and he chuckled before pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead.

He dismissed the maids saying we could serve ourself. More like he could serve me.

"So, I'm going to go and check on my people tomorrow to see how they are doing like we did back in Konya. Do you want to join me?" He asked giving me those hopeful eyes while passing me the bread and I chuckled at him before pinching his cheeks.

"You are very cute Mehmed. Of course, I would." I said and something flashed in my mind. "Actually, you know what? I was thinking to donate half of the money I received in my wedding to the homeless and other half to the widows and uneducated children."

He had a big smile on his face as he listen to me. "That's a good idea."

"And I want you too to add some more money there." I said before sipping on my sharbat.


"For the farmers. You know, they have pretty hard life. They work hard but don't even get two times food a day." I explained and he nodded.

"Actually, that's what I want to talk to you about." He said. "There are complaints coming from the locals saying the taxes are very high and they get very low money when they sell their things but the pasha's denied it. So, I want to investigate about it myself. What do you say?"

I listen to him carefully before giving him a thumps up. "You should. I mean we should."

"We can go dressed up like the locals and stay with them for some days you know. So, that we can really know their sufferings." I suggested and he grinned at me before crawling towards me and embracing me into a tight hug.

"And you know what? You should be the advisor of the Sultan's court. Those pasha's are useless." He said and I chuckled at him before kissing his cheeks. "We will go next week after everything here is settled properly."

"But no one should know ok. Expect Hümaşah Sultan. Only her and no one else."

"Yes. You're right. If anyone finds out, they'll either try to assassinate us or interrupt our works." He said as he settled himself beside me before eating from my plate.

The one thing I learn about him after staying with him is that, he is very different from the other prince's. He craves love and attention unlike others who only thinks about sex and throne.

"I went to see my brothers daughter straight away after the meeting." He said as he look up at me and I smiled at him before running my fingers through his smooth hair. He had his head on my lap as he played with my fingers. "She took after Selim. Hümaşah said that she looks exactly like Selim when he was born."

"It is. She has Şehzade Selim hair and facial features with Hümaşah Sultan's eyes." I replied.

"Ismihan." He whipered. "It was the name of our late aunt, Ismihan Sultan. Selim was really close to her and was very depressed when she died."

No one talked after that as we enjoyed each others company in silence as the moonlight shone on us.

"When can we have ours." He asked suddenly out of no where and my breath hitched. He sat up looking with me with those big eyes making me want to bite his cute face.

"Mehmed babies are not formed just like that or when we wanted to. It needs time." I explained and he laughed before standing up.

He scooped me into his arms bridal style before placing a kiss on my lips. "Then let's get started with our first one."

He laid me on the bed before showering me with kisses and I giggled. "Stop, Mehmed. Your beard is tickling me." I said which encouraged him more as he pinned both my hands above our head before tickling me with his beard.

He stopped and smiled down at me before crashing his lips on mine and I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his closer to me.

The next morning, Mehmed and I dressed up to meet the people. We walked towards Harem and the door man announced our arrival. "Attention. His Highness, Şehzade Mehmed and Halime Sultan is coming." And everybody stood in line.

Hümaşah Sultan came out and I bowed to her while Mehmed kissed her hand and Hümaşah Sultan gave him a hug before kissing his forehead. "Where are you two going?" She asked as she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"To check on the people." Mehmed replied.

"Ok. Take care. And meet me when you two return. I have something to discuss with you two." She said and we nodded. She patted his shoulders before walking back inside the Harem and we walked out.

He rode his horse while I sat inside the carriage with Gülnihal and Nilüfer. The carriage soon stopped and Mehmed jumped off from his horse before making his way towards the carriage and giving me his hand. I took it and stepped out while the people bowed their heads.

Gülnihal and Nilüfer walked behind us just infront of the guards and the eunuchs while we walk around talking with people.

The guards brought us a seat and we sat down together and he motioned the people to come and tell us their problem one by one.

First a guy came forward and bowed to us. "Şehzadem, I'm a farmer and I have a wife and three little children to look after but we don't get enough food and can't educate our children as the landlords don't pay us enough. They make us work hard and don't pay us enought and with the taxes it's hard for poor people like me to survive."

"I'll take care of the matter myself so, don't worry and go home." Mehmed said as he dismissed them but I stopped him.

I took out my pouch that was filled with gold coins before giving it to him. "Educate your children."

"Thank you so much Sultanam." He broke down as he kneeled in front of me and kissed my robe before standing up and going towards the aghas who were giving them some goods as they walk in line.

Most of the people complaint about the tax and not being able to educate their children and their landlords paying them low and all.

The last one was an old woman. She made her way towards us and bowed to us. "Şehzadem. Sultanam." She greeted and we nodded.

"I'm a widow and I have nowhere to live. No landlords or shopkeepers are willing to give me any job. Please help me." She cried out and I felt sorry for her. This is the real problem about the Ottoman era. The widows were not given any jobs, they were driven out from their own house and they had to live in the street and beg.

"Aghas, make sure to give her work so, that she can earn for herself." I ordered and the aghas nodded before walking off.

"Thank you so much, Sultanam. May God bless you and may your womb bear the most beautiful Şehzade and Sultana." She said before walking off with the aghas. Mehmed and I look at each other and exchanged smile.

"You're winning the hearts of my people more and more everytime I take you out with me." He leaned in and whispered. "Now, I have to lock you up before anyone tries to kidnap you and take you away from me." He said and I chuckled at him.

"Or maybe I should lock you up and serve as the regent until Hünkarım returns." I teased and he chuckled at me before standing up and forwarding his hand which I took it and he pulled me up.

"Or maybe we can lock ourself up and just enjoy each others company." He whispered and placed a kiss under my ear making me blush as I let out a small chuckle.

"Mehmed, people are looking." I said as I notice people stopping and staring at us in aw.

"Let them." He replied placing another kiss on my forehead. I slapped his arm lightly and he chuckled at me as we stroll towards the carriage.

Halime Sultan : The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now