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Mehmed decided to call the artist that Hümaşah Sultan has been talking about non-stop after he painted a beautiful portrait of her. 

I got dressed in a dark royal blue dress and also dressed Osman in the same colour dress while Mehmed wore a red kaftan decorated in an expensive gold embroidery. 

We were thinking of going outside in the garden but the weather is not good. It's been raining since morning, so we decided to just do it in our room. Only us. 

Nasuf Effendi entered the chamber  along with that painter and bowed to us. 

"Hünkarım, Sultanam." Nasuf bowed to us. I smiled at him politely before turning to the other guy. Nasuf jabbed him when he tried to look up.

"Come, Nasuf. We were waiting for him." Mehmed said and Nasuf Effendi nodded before introducing the artist to us.

"Hünkarım, his name is Leo. He came from Ruthenia." Nasuf introduced him to us and we nodded.

"Ok, then let's start." I started as I could no longer wait. 

I sat down on the couch with Osman in my arms while Mehmed stood beside me. 

It took about an hour. Osman fell asleep and my arms and legs started to hurt because of sitting in the same place for a long time. 

"When will it be done?" I asked.

"It's done, Sultanam. Just some final touches are left but I can do it tonight and I'll bring it tomorrow." He replied as he made eye contact with me before quickly turning his gaze down. He looked so familiar yet I couldn't recognise him. I saw him somewhere but I don't know where.

"Ok then, you can leave." Mehmed stated before taking Osman from me and I stood up. Nasuf Effendi and Leo left soon, leaving us alone when Iskender came in.

"Hünkarım, Şah Sultan is at the door with Esmahan Sultan. She said it's important." He stated and Mehmed let out a heavy sigh before nodding.

"Send them in." Mehmed replied.

"Gülnihal." I called and she came out from the other room before bowing. "Take the Şehzade inside." I ordered and she bowed before taking Osman inside.

Şah and Esmahan entered and bowed. "Hünkarım." They acknowledged.

Mehmed sat down on the couch before nodding at them. "What is the matter?" He asked.

"Hünkarım, we'd like to talk with you. Alone." Şah replied and I raised my eyebrows at her but nonetheless stood up to leave when Mehmed stopped me.

"Stop Halime." He said before turning to Şah. "Say whatever you have to say in front of everyone. Even if she goes now, I'm going to tell her later so make my work shorter and tell me."

I smirked at them while that annoying little brat, Esmahan, threw me a nasty glare. Little bitch. 

"Hünkarım, I would like to offer my daughter Esmahan's hand to you in marriage." Şah Sultan announced and everyone fell silent or maybe I just couldn't hear anything.

My body went numb after hearing her disgusting words. How can she even say that? 1. Mehmed is married to me. 2. Esmahan is his cousin. 

"You are just a kid to me." Mehmed's words broke me out of my thoughts. "You are just a kid to me. If I could've found Halime earlier and married her soon, we could have had a child your age."

"Hünkarım?" Şah spoke in disbelief while Esmahan looked like she was about to cry. "She is 16 not 6!" 

"But in my eyes, she is still 6. Now, you may leave." Mehmed dismissed them and they bowed before turning to leave but not before glaring at me as they made their way out.

I sat down on the couch with my head buried in my hands. "What the hell is going on in my life." I hissed at myself.

Mehmed placed his hand on my shoulder before giving a light squeeze. "Don't stress too much, Halime. I'll marry Esmahan off to Ayas Pasha and Şah Sultan will soon leave." He said before sitting down beside me. I nodded.

He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Come on. Get ready. We have to go somewhere too remember?" He reminded me and I nodded. Of course, we do.

I asked Esma to bring my head scarf before putting it on. "Meleksima, tell Gülnihal to bring Osman and don't forget what I asked you to do. Ok?" I said and she nodded.

"Of course, Sultanam." She bowed before leaving.

Now, I know why Şah was here but why is Hafsa here? I need to know her true intentions and every of her steps.

I sat inside the carriage with Gülnihal, Nilüfer and Osman while Mehmed rode his horse. We were going to stroll around the market and check on the situation of the public and after that, to the old palace and spend some days there. Away from all the unwanted people.

When we reached, I told Gülnihal and Nilüfer to not come out of the carriage because we can't risk Osman's life can we? Mehmed put up some guards to guard the carriage while we walked around, visiting people.

I left Mehmed and went towards some women.

"Sultanam." They bowed as I went near and I nodded at them. "Sultanam, you have honoured us with your presence." One of the women said and I smiled at her.

"I hope you are not having any problems. If there are any, please do tell me." I said and their smile widened.

"Sultanam, we are very happy with everything. After you came, we get our pay on time and are charged less tax. Thanks to you, now our children can study too." The woman replied. During the reign of late Sultan Mustafa Khan, he used to charge a heavy tax and on top of that Hafsa Sultan used to charge another different charge with some excuse of making a restaurant for the poor to eat which she never made. 

I recently set up a restaurant for the poor, the needy and the travelers to eat in for free. The ‘Haseki Sultan Kitchen’.

"May Allah grant Her majesty with all the happiness in the world. May the Sultan's reign be the most fruitful and the magnificent one. Allah bless the couples." One of the women chanted a prayer and everyone replied with Amen

"Amin." I said.

"Amin, Hatun. Thank you." Mehmed said as came from behind. He grabbed a bag of gold from one of the aghas before handing it to that woman. "Distribute it among yourselves." 

"Thank you, Hünkarım." Everyone started saying.

I turned to Mehmed who was already looking at me, smiling. I smiled back. "Come on. Let's get going." Mehmed said as he kept his hand on back, leading me away from the crowd.

After some time we decided to call it a day. We went straight to the old palace and settled in, in the chamber the maids prepared for us there.

I sat with Osman in my lap, out on the balcony after dinner while Mehmed was working on something at his table. 

"My son, Osman'ım, benım hayatım, benım Şehzadem." I kissed his forehead as he looked up at me with those big blue eyes, like he was asking me something. "Why are you looking at me like that? I just fed you. What do you need now?"

"A baby sister." Mehmed said in a baby voice as he wrapped his arms around my neck before placing a kiss there. "Our son needs a baby sister, isn't it Osman?"

Osman let out a giggle at the sight of his father before stretching his arms towards Mehmed. "See, even Osman agrees." Mehmed picked Osman from my lap before he sat down beside me with Osman now in his arms.

"Come on, my Şehzade. Tell your mother that we need a baby sister." Mehmed said to Osman in a baby voice like Osman would really reply. 

Mehmed is really a great father, a loving husband and a great ruler too. May the almighty God never separate our happy family.

A/n : sorry for late update but I hope you enjoyed that chapter.

Do you think we need another baby Sultana or a Şehzade?

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