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Chapter 01

In half a year, the end of the world is coming.
In the noisy KTV, Qin Yiyi looked at the date displayed on the phone, feeling a sense of urgency.
She stood up, ready to go home quickly to stock up on food.
Qin Yiyi regretted staying up late last night to read the old Mary Su end of the world. When she woke up, she went into the book and became a cannon fodder with the same name and surname inside.
The only contribution of the female partner in the book is to send a fiance to the female lead, and a space jade pendant.
After the end of the world broke out, there was only one description for her in the book: Qin Yiyi died on the way to find Gu Ling.
Gu Ling was Qin Yiyi's fiancé. When the end of the world broke out, he broke through many difficulties and went to school to pick up the heroine Qiao Yu.
As for Qin Yiyi, he never thought of looking for it from beginning to end.
"Yiyi, where are you going?" It was Qiao Yu, the hostess in the book.
It was the presence of Qiao Yu and the cheap fiancé Gu Ling that made Qin Yiyi not long after waking up from this KTV, she was sure that she had slipped into the book.
The heroine is not the heroine. When she spoke, the noisy KTV immediately calmed down, and everyone turned their attention to Qin Yiyi.
"Go home." Qin Yiyi told the truth.
Qiao Yu asked to stay, "Yiyi, stay a little longer, I'll cut the cake right away."
Qiao Yu is exactly the same as the description in the book, with a soft and weak appearance of a white flower, which I see pity.
She looked at Qin Yiyi with affectionate eyes, and it made people unable to resist any request from her, and Qin Yiyi almost agreed.
Until Gu Ling said, "Today is Qiao Yu's birthday, you can't stay longer."
Qin Yiyi immediately woke up, Qiao Yu was not a real little white flower, and could steal the original fiance without any guilt. How could this person be simple and simple.
She immediately refused, "No, I'm drunk and sleepy, I'm going to bed."
Qin Yiyi squeezed the small gift box in his hand and walked outside.
Qiao Yu looked at the wisps of purple air coming out of the box, showing desire.
For the sake of face, she was embarrassed to stop Qin Yiyi again to remind her if she had forgotten to give her the gift.
As Qiao Yumen's first licking dog, Gu Ling, he immediately noticed Qiao Yu's needs.
Gu Ling frowned in disapproval, "Yiyi, after your uncle and aunt are gone, you are becoming more and more unruly. When you go to someone else's birthday party, how can you still take back the gifts you gave out?"
"Didn't I give the gift?" Qin Yiyi was puzzled.
The original body was indeed given, and it was placed in the middle of the pile of gifts on the table, a super large gift box containing a series of lipsticks from a certain high-end brand.
"Then what are you holding in your hand?" Gu Ling questioned.
Qin Yiyi opened the package, and inside it was a jade pendant originally worn next to his body, bought from an antique market.
The jade pendant was carved into a round and gluttonous appearance, very cute, and it has been worn on the body since it was bought.
"My jade pendant," she shook the jade pendant in front of Qiao Yu and Gu Ling, put it in her pocket, and explained: "When I went to the gift shop to pack the lipstick set in the afternoon, the red thread on the jade pendant dropped. It's too small. I'm afraid of losing it, so I asked the clerk to wrap it up for me."
This jade pendant was indeed originally intended to be given to Qiao Yu.
Originally likes her fiancé Gu Ling, but Gu Ling didn't wait to see her very much. If it wasn't for the original body's early-dead parents who had made a marriage contract for her before they died, they had left her with a huge amount of property and notarized the content. After Yuanshen married Gu Ling, he would give half of the Qin family's shares to Gu Ling. Gu Ling had long since broken up with Yuanshen.
He prefers to stay with his friend Qiao Yu who is in the same bedroom with Yuan Shi, perfunctorily saying that he treats Qiao Yu as a good friend.
The original body is innocent, I really believe it, and I went to ask Qiao Yu how to please Gu Ling.
Qiao Yu knows everything is endless, and it is really useful. Yuan Shi considers Qiao Yu as a friend. In fact, Gu Ling looked at Qiao Yu's face and gave Yuan Shi a good expression.
On Qiao Yu's birthday, she asked Qiao Yu what birthday present she wanted, and Qiao Yu was embarrassed to say that she wanted this jade pendant that she wore in its original form.
The original body felt that this gift was too thin, how could the things he used be given to others, so he prepared another big gift, and this jade pendant was going to be given to Qiao Yu privately.
This jade pendant is one of the space jade pendants given by the cannon fodder to the hostess in the book, and Qin Yiyi will not give it to Qiao Yu stupidly.
In fact, Qiao Yu doesn't know what this jade pendant can do now, but she has a pair of Jianbao eyes and can see the anger coming out of the antique.
The darker the color of the antique, the more valuable the antique.
With these eyes, she made a lot of money by picking up and leaking antiques.
The jade pendant in Qin Yiyi's hand was the only time Qiao Yu had seen a purple gas. She wanted to take it for herself when she saw it, and she did so later.
At the end of the world, Qiao Yu accidentally discovered the mystery of the space, relying on it to be mixed like a fish in the end of the world.
Qiao Yu said at this time, "Gu Ling, you misunderstood, she gave me the gift early in the morning. Meaning, don't be angry with Gu Ling because of me, I will feel sorry for it."
Qin Yiyi curled his lips, why did he go early.
She walked towards the door.
Gu Ling was dissatisfied, "Qiao Yu, what are you saying for her? She knows that you like that jade pendant, and she wrapped it in that way, which is clearly for you."
Qiao Yu held his hand and said empathetically, "Maybe it's because I couldn't bear it. I have been in love with her for so long. Forget it, there are some things I can't force."
"Humph," he snorted coldly, "It's just stingy, just a piece of broken jade pendant. I'll give you a thousand times better than it the next day."
These words came to Qin Yiyi's ears intermittently, and the students looked at her disapprovingly.
Qin Yiyi immediately became angry, and a couple of dog men and women showed some affection in front of her.
She put her hand on her hand, and turned her head and said to Gu Ling: "Gu Ling, I'm drunk, send me home."
"Who is Gu Ling, why should he send you home?" one of Gu Ling's admirers dissatisfied.
Gu Ling is a man of the world at school, and many girls admire him.
Seeing him approaching the equally good Qiao Yu, they knew that it was unlikely that they would be with him, so they had to let go of their hearts.
Now that Qin Yiyi who is nothing dared to arouse Gu Ling, he was immediately dissatisfied.
"Let my fiancé take me home, isn't that okay?" Qin Yiyi was righteous.
As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar.
"What, are you Gu Xuechang's fiancée?"
"Are you kidding me, how could Senior Gu be engaged to you."
"Aren't Senior Gu being in love with Qiao Yu? Aren't you that bright light bulb?"
That's right, no one knows about Qin Yiyi's engagement with Gu Ling except Qiao Yu.
With her original temperament, she wanted to tell the world, but Gu Ling didn't want people in the school to know the relationship between them, so she kept refraining from talking and only told her friend Qiao Yu.
Qin Yiyi looked surprised and injured, "Do you all treat me like this?" Then he looked at Gu Ling aggrievedly, "Fiance, you have something to say."
Gu Ling's face was ugly, "What do you do with this matter?"
Is this admitted?
There was another uproar.
"They don't think I deserve to be sent by you," Qin Yiyi said aggrieved. "I know you want to send Qiao Yu home. You can send me back first, and then come back to see her. She is your good friend and mine. Good friend, I don't worry about her going back to school alone at night as a girl."
Everyone looked at this silly girl sympathetically, and they could all see the dazzling green hat on her head. She thought her fiance and Qiao Yu had a pure friendship, and she was worried about Qiao Yu going back to school alone.
They are a large group of people, how can Qiao Yu be alone.
Why didn't she think about it, did her good friend Qiao Yu and her fiance worry about her going back to school alone?
At this moment, everyone was full of compassion and love for Qin Yiyi, and many people had lost the aura of the campus goddess to Gu Ling and Qiao Yu, and there were only three words left in their heads, men and women.
Qiao Yu sensitively noticed that their eyes had changed when they looked at him. They were not very friendly, his face changed slightly, and then he showed a spring breeze smile, "Gu Ling, everyone knows, you don't have to follow your intentions to avoid suspicion. , I'm covering for you all day, it's weird."
Everyone suddenly realized that it was like this.
In other words, Qiao Yu has such a good personality and is kind to people, so how could he get involved in other people's feelings.
Everyone was a little guilty about thinking about Qiao Yu just now.
"For the sake of Qiao Yu's face, I will give you one off." Gu Ling compromised.
Rao is as good as Qiao Yu, his complexion is stiff.
Gu Ling's behavior is really a pig teammate.
Everyone recalled again, maybe what Qiao Yu said was true, but it was a cover, and the two really had feelings.
Poor Qin Yiyi was betrayed by his best girlfriends and fiance, and treated them foolishly.
Qin Yiyi smiled and said, "Qiao Yu, you are so kind, Gu Ling, let's go."
Gu Ling reluctantly followed.
Seeing the jade pendant with a lot of purple energy disappeared outside the door with Qin Yiyi, Qiao Yu's heart was empty, and he always felt that he had lost something important.

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