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Chapter 11

"Are you the child's parent?"
The female doctor looked at Qin Yiyi carefully. Qin Yiyi had no doubts. As long as she dared to say a good one, the female doctor would call the police and send her to the police station in the next second.
There is no other reason, this child's body can be described as terrible.
His arms are full of syringes, his body is bruised, and there are many scabs on his body that have not healed.
You can see at a glance what kind of abuse he has suffered before.
And the abuse was not temporary, but continued for several years.
Under normal circumstances, only the relatives of the child are likely to be violent against him for a long time.
Qin Yiyi shook his head quickly to deny, and said: "I am not, this kid rushed to the car I drove. Take a look, did he hit where?"
The female doctor was still wondering, "It's really not."
Qin Yiyi couldn't laugh or cry, and pointed to his face, "Do you think I am like the mother of this five or six-year-old child?"
Seeing this face that was only fifteen or sixteen years old, the female doctor's suspicion suddenly disappeared.
She was so angry that she had lost her mind, so she had such an absurd conjecture.
The female doctor said sorry, "The patient did not have any impact injuries. You should not have hit him. He has been malnourished for a long time, and it is very likely that he fell hungry in front of your car."
Qin Yiyi didn't feel fortunate that he didn't hit the child at this time. The child was really miserable.
It's hard to imagine what kind of torture he had suffered before, and with what perseverance he survived, and ran to her car for help.
The female doctor treated all the wounds on the boy's body, and put a nutrient solution on him.
Throughout the process, the little boy kept his eyes closed and did not wake up.
Qin Yiyi couldn't help but worry, "Doctor, would you like to check him up again?"
The female doctor looked at her concerned and really believed that she was not the child's parent, and soothed: "He is hungry. After the nutrient solution is finished, he will probably be able to wake up. If he still doesn't wake up, come look for him. Me."
Qin Yiyi was infected by the female doctor's calmness, and her worried and uneasy heart gradually calmed down.
The little boy hung a little bit, and Qin Yiyi stayed with him all the time.
She had been worried and anxious about the little boy just now, and now she relaxed a little and began to look at him.
Look carefully, the little boy has delicate eyebrows and pale skin, like a beautiful doll.
Yomo was stuck in a nightmare, and the little boy frowned in pain and anxiety.
Qin Yiyi felt a little distressed, and stroked his slightly frowned brow with her fingers.
It is hard to imagine how cruel the heart of his parents would be to deal with a child who is as cute as a little angel.
The next second, the little boy trembled all over, with cold sweat on his forehead.
Qin Yiyi stood up immediately and was about to call a doctor.
The hand was caught by the little boy.
Looking at the skinny wrists, there was a feeling of fragility that would break at a break, but the strength of his hands was unexpectedly strong. Qin Yiyi was a little unable to break away for a while, and even got a little painful when he was caught.
The little boy opened his eyes, his eyes pale, with vertical pupils resembling wild beasts, cruel and indifferent.
Just looking at it is chilling.
Qin Yiyi was startled, and then went to see, there was no vertical pupil.
It was because her nerves were too tight that she had hallucinations, and she was clearly a limp child.
He opened a pair of beautiful and smart eyes, wet, like some kind of newborn cute animal, looking at Qin Yiyi curiously and dependently.
He spoke, and his voice was milky and milky.
Qin Yiyi was delighted when he woke up, "Great, you finally woke up. You wait for me here for a while, I'll call a doctor."
The boy grabbed her hand and didn't let go.
Qin Yiyi said in a good voice: "You let me go first, and I will be back soon. I won't let you wait any longer."
The boy still held on stubbornly and did not let go.
Qin Yiyi has no experience of getting along with children, and can't say anything hard to such a fragile and poor little boy.
Her tone became softer, "Are you obedient, sister will buy you sweets later,"
The boy pressed the corners of his mouth tightly, and only after a long while he said two words, "Don't."
"Why don't I leave?"
"There are bad guys." The boy was shaking badly and his tone was steady, "I'm afraid."
Qin Yiyi looked at the little boy who was obviously scared, but he forced his composure, and his heart was softened.
She sat down and touched the boy's head.
The boy is malnourished, but his hair grows well, black and soft, and easy to touch.
The boy subconsciously tilted his head to hide, and quickly moved his head to Qin Yiyi's hand, "touch it for you, don't leave."
His eyes were like puppy, wet, looking at Qin Yiyi pitifully.
Qin Yiyi was screaming, how could there be such a cute boy, she rubbed it again.
"How do you think I am a good person?"
The boy was very sure, "You just, don't go."
Holding Qin Yiyi tightly with her hand, she had no choice but to call a nurse and call the doctor.
The doctor checked and asked the little boy some more questions.
Later, she urged the little boy to take good care of him so that he could no longer be injured.
The little boy nodded, looked at Qin Yiyi, and said cleverly: "I listen to my sister." It seemed that Qin Yiyi was treated as a relative.
The female doctor looked at her and asked suspiciously, "Do you really don't know?"
Qin Yiyi shook his head.
The female doctor turned to ask the little boy what's his name and where is his home? Who beat him like this.
Faced with these questions, the little boy was very at a loss, asking three questions.
He tried to remember, only to get a severe headache.
Seeing him clenching his teeth and trembling all over, Qin Yiyi stroked his back and comforted: "Don't think about it if you don't remember it."
It's not a good memory, and it's just annoying when I think about it.
It was already half an hour later to relieve from that terrible headache.
The boy was wet and sweaty, as if he had been fished out of the water, without a bloody face, only the bitten corners of his mouth were red, which made people feel distressed.
Qin Yiyi asked the female doctor, "What's wrong with him?"
The female doctor shook his head, "He had a CT scan of his brain, and there was no problem. Maybe it was a mental trauma, that part of the experience was too painful and uneasy. In order to protect himself, he automatically forgot that memory. You have to see a psychiatrist to know the specific problem."
She paused and said with pity: "He is still so small and has an infinite future. Forgetting is a good thing for him, so that he can grow in the sun."
Qin Yiyi nodded and agreed, but was strange, "Is this kid too dependent on me?"
"It's probably the baby bird plot. After he lost his memory, the first person he saw was you, so he regarded you as his closest relative."
As if there was such a point of truth, Qin Yiyi raised another question, "Then what about this kid?"
He lost his memory, and his parents did not have memory loss.
The police sent him to the police station, asked his family to take him back, and watched him be tortured again?
Qin Yi couldn't bear it.
Still send him to the orphanage and let a kind family adopt him.
But the end of the world is coming soon, maybe he has not been adopted at that time.
How long can he live without the protection of his family?
Qin Yiyi couldn't think of a solution for both.
The female doctor was silent, apparently going with Qin Yiyi.
Children are extremely sensitive creatures and seem to have foreseen their destiny of being abandoned.
He grabbed Qin Yiyi's hand, gently rubbed his face in silence, and said, "Sister, don't leave me, I'm very good."
The voice was small, softly pleading.
It makes people feel sour and cannot give birth to rejection.
There were crystals hidden in those beautiful eyes. As long as Qin Yiyi refused, he would be desperate to pieces.
Qin Yiyi was in a mess, and didn't know what to do with the little boy.
After a while, she said: "You come home with me first."
When she got home, she thought about how to place the little boy.
As soon as she said it, she regretted it a little.
Sometimes Qin Yiyi feels like a child, how can he take good care of another child.
What's more, the end times are coming soon.
A bright smile appeared on the little boy's face immediately, as if the ice and snow melted, so beautiful.
Looking at the unreserved trust and smile on his face, the regret in Qin Yiyi's heart dissipated a little.
Forget it, take one step at a time.
The female doctor didn't say anything, but just gave Qin Yiyi her business card and told her that if the little boy feels uncomfortable, he can contact her directly.
Qin Yiyi thanked her, and continued to hang on with the little boy.
During the period, she wanted to go to the bathroom, but the little boy stubbornly grasped her hand and refused to let it go.
Qin Yiyi comforted: "My sister went to the bathroom and will be back soon."
The little boy only stared at her, a little wronged and a little pitiful, so that Qin Yiyi couldn't say anything serious to blame him.
She tried her best to soothe his restless heart and promised that she would not leave him behind.
The little boy pressed the corner of his mouth tightly and rubbed her hand with his head.
Qin Yiyi didn't understand his behavior for a while, until he said, "Sister, touch it for you, don't leave."
Qin Yiyi was a little dumbfounded, "I will be back soon, as long as you are obedient, I won't leave you behind."
Qin Yiyi nodded, "Really."
The little boy slowly let go of Qin Yiyi, raised his head, "Sister, I'm very good, you have to come back soon."
"I am waiting for you here."
The little boy sat obediently, not noisy, and very sensible.
Qin Yiyi sighed inwardly, such a good child, how could she bear to leave him.
After Qin Yiyi went to the bathroom, he passed by the vending machine.
Thinking of the boy's chapped mouth, she bought him a bottle of water and a lollipop. Children should like to eat candy.
Upon seeing Qin Yiyi, the little boy smiled brightly, "Sister, you are back."
The whole person is soft and soft, like a glutinous rice dumpling.
Qin Yiyi couldn't help it, squeezed the boy's soft cheek, and gave him the candy in his hand.
The little boy blinked in disbelief. "For me?"
Qin Yiyi nodded.
The boy pursed the corner of his mouth, said thank you in a low voice, lowered his head, as if he was a little shy.
Qin Yiyi sighed, how bitter he had been before before he received a candy, and he was happy to be like this.
Looking at the boy's cracked mouth, Qin Yiyi began to twist the mineral water bottle.
It stands to reason that Qin Yiyi has worked hard during this period and his physical fitness has improved in an all-round way, so he shouldn't be unable to open a mineral water bottle.
But the cap of this mineral water bottle was so tightly glued to the body that she didn't even open it for a while.
I tried again, but it still didn't open.
The atmosphere is slightly awkward.
When the little boy saw it, he took the initiative: "I'll try it."
Qin Yi wanted to refuse, and no matter how strong a child was, he couldn't be greater than an adult.
Seeing the little boy's bright eyes and a look that wanted to do something for her, Qin Yiyi didn't refuse. She said, "It's okay if you can't open it."
In the next second, she saw the little boy unscrewing the bottle cap, still with one hand.
Qin Yiyi's eyes widened slightly and looked at him inconceivably.
Is this world too crazy, or is she too rubbish?
His strength seems to be much greater than that of ordinary people. Taking him in the last days, maybe he is not the one who is holding back.
With this recognition, Qin Yiyi didn't know whether to be happy or sad.
"Sister, here." The little boy handed her the water.
Qin Yiyi waved his hand, "This is for you, you can drink it."
The boy pursed the corner of his mouth, drank a small bottle of water, and handed it to Qin Yiyi, "Sister, drink too."
What a wonderful child, there is something I don't forget to share with her.
Qin Yiyi took it and took a sip cooperatively.
It was one o'clock in the afternoon after the IV drip. Qin Yiyi took the little boy in one hand and a large bag of medicine in the other out of the hospital, preparing to take the boy to eat.
Passing by the inpatient department, she saw a patient with red eyes and no focus, making a "hoho" sound, violently biting the doctor near him.
The doctor hurriedly tied him to a mobile stretcher.
The nurse next to him watched and complained dissatisfied: "Why are there more and more lunatics recently? Doctors and nurses who bite have to be forced to seek medical treatment. I don't know when they will be able to come out. The hospital is almost out of staff."
Another nurse yawned, "I have been working three days in a row. I heard that special police will be sent in two days, and the medical staff should not be injured anymore."
"I hope."
Qin Yiyi felt a little heavy upon hearing this. Has the virus spread to such a point?
When the medical system collapses and the social order becomes chaotic, it will not be far from a full-scale outbreak of the zombie virus.
Qin Yiyi took the boy by the hand and left in a hurry, not forgetting to tell him that in the future, when he encounters such a lunatic who bites people, he must hide away.
The little boy listened to her very much, nodded his head, and responded loudly.
Seeing the little boy's well-behaved appearance, the haze that had enveloped Qin Yiyi's heart slightly dissipated.

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