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Chapter 71
Mo Wen quickly told Xiang Suiyu what had happened this morning.

Xiang Suiyu: "

Where's the locator?" Mo Wen handed it to him.

The little red dot on the locator moved extremely slowly, and that person should have arrived at the destination of this trip.

Followed Yumo rubbed the locator and muttered: "You stay in the trading town temporarily, and when I find that person, I won't be less

rewarded ." Mo Wen heard it, and said sincerely: "Okay, we will stay in the hotel, and I hope the trip will go smoothly."

In this way, Qin Yiyi came back not long after leaving the town.

Mo Wen: "If it goes well, we will be able to share the reward today, and we will be able to catch up with the boat in the Autumn Garden."

"If it doesn't go well, we will have to stay for another seven or eight days." Xiong Dali took it.

"For the sake of so many rewards, what does it matter if you delay for a few more days?" Mo Wen said.

It really doesn't matter, Qin Yiyi and the others are not in a hurry to head north.

During this period, the most important thing is to improve one's strength and collect materials.

Several people arrived at the hotel.

The hotel owner saw them and said: "

Oh, why are you guys back again?" "Give you money, are you still not happy?" The

hotel owner smiled, "Happy, you smiled when I saw you. How happy are you, how long are you going to live this time?"

"Let's live one day first."

Mo Wen was in a good mood and paid the rent for Qin Yiyi and the others very generously.

The innkeeper was shocked. Is the sun coming out from the west today?

Not to mention the hotel owner, even Qin Yiyi didn't expect that Mo Wen would have such a generous day.

"Boss Mo is making a fortune?"

"Not for the time being, I will lend you good words first." Mo Wen smiled.

Qin Yiyi and Xiong Dali fainted in the car all morning, and their faces were not very good: "Then let's go back first, and then contact us if we have anything." "Okay


... the

open road.

Six off-road vehicles drove in a row, aggressively, driving fast on the main road, stirring up dust on the ground.

The car was full of powerful men, all of them waiting.

It is enough to see how much they attach importance to this matter.

Xiang Suiyu was sitting in the front car, her eyes squinted slightly, revealing a little sharp light from time to time, like a dozing tiger.

The driver looked at the locator from time to time, "Boss, I will be there soon."

"Make everyone behind you get ready."

Xiang Suiyu spoke slowly.


The people in the back seat took out the walkie-talkie and began to communicate with the people in the cars behind them.

After five minutes, they arrived at an abandoned factory. At the gate, a big word split was written in red paint.

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