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Chapter 151

"I escaped from the laboratory and met you. You should have guessed this." Qin Zhan looked at it and said.

Yi Yi nodded.

That day, when Dr. Xu met Qin Zhan, she looked familiar, and she guessed one or two.

Qin Zhan continued, "I spend most of my life in the laboratory."

Most of the days? Was he taken to the laboratory early?

"Qin Zhan, how old are you now?"

"Twenty-five, I was eight when I entered the laboratory."

Twenty-five, about the same age as Yiyi guessed.

Eight to twenty-five years old, seventeen years, it was a long time.

When Yiyi picked up Qin Zhan, he was covered with wounds, almost inhuman.

She has seen Dr. Xu's laboratory, and the people caught there have suffered tremendous torture. People are not humans, ghosts are not ghosts, and almost everyone lives better than dead.

She couldn't imagine how Qin Zhan survived that long seventeen years.

How much pain he has to go through to live till now.

Yi Yi also hated the Doctor Lin who hadn't met.

Yi Yi: "How did you fall into Dr. Lin's hands?"

Qin Zhan: "It's my parents," his tone was rather plain, "They sent me in."

Yi Yi was startled.

She never thought that there would be such a possibility.

He was so young at that time, not a few years older than when she picked him up. The small one was also icy and cute. How could Qin Zhan's parents bear the heart to send him to that cannibalistic place.

Yiyi's voice was a little dry, "Why are they doing this?"

"They think I am a monster, they are afraid of me."

Before the age of five, Qin Zhan lived no different from ordinary children. He had a pair of loving parents. As the only child in the family, his parents loved him very much.

Until he was five years old, the man cheated.

The home that used to be filled with laughter and laughter is gone.

Women love men so much that even if they cheat, they are unwilling to separate from them.

She cursed the man's betrayal, and begged the man to stay. The man was unwilling, and the family was surrounded by endless quarrels. There was almost nothing in the house, and the woman was smashed to nothing.

When the man went to find his mistress, the woman held the little Qin Zhan, cursing, crying, and hysterical at home.

She curse

curse a man and his mistress and hope to die, betray her people no good end, and look forward to a man severing the leg, becomes not a little used, that figure her money men she recognized the third, will take the initiative to leave Men, and she will accompany the man, take care of the man silently, let the man realize that it is her who is good to him.

Men will eventually change their minds, and they will still be a harmonious family.

After a woman knew that no matter what she did, a man would not be soft-hearted, and she could not save his heart, she began to shut herself in the room, washing her face with tears all day long.

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