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Chapter 91
The new gathering place where Chang Huan is located is very hidden, hidden behind a few big mountains, which is particularly difficult to open.

That road turns around, especially around. The second half of the road was bumpy all the way, and Qin Yiyi vomited dimly as soon as he reached the destination.

Even if the trading town's stronghold is hidden, the people in the circle have little chance of finding it. Chang Huan did not relax his vigilance and arranged for someone to guard at the entrance. When there was some trouble, he would send someone to notify him.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Yiyi and the others entered the trading town site, someone notified Chang Huan that someone had come outside, and Chang Huan's side immediately entered a state of guard.

"There is only one car, maybe it came here to explore the road first."

"Just one car, we have nothing to fear. Boss Chang, let's take them down now."

"Wait a minute, what about the man who drove? Looks like a boss?"

"Boss, no, he's already..." When the

car gets closer, the more they look at the driver, the more they look like the boss.

Chang Huan was very excited, and he knew that there would be nothing wrong with Yufu's life.

When Xiang Suiyu got out of the car, Chang Huan gave Xiang Suiyu a big hug, "

I'm back." "Thanks for your hard work these days." Xiang Suiyu was not used to such enthusiasm, and said awkwardly.

Chang Huan patted him on the shoulder and roughly checked for any wounds on his body, "Suiyu, are you okay."

"It's all over."

Seeing that he didn't want to mention it, Chang Huan didn't ask again, and said repeatedly. "It's good to come back, and it's good to come back."

Qin Yiyi and Xin Bai also got out of the car while they were talking.

Xiong Dali was also in the crowd, and when he saw Qin Yiyi, he also ran over with excitement, "Yiyi, Xin Bai, why are you also in the car?" He said happily, "It's really too much for you to come back. All right."

Since Cui Pingxiao and the others retreated from the trading town, there has been no news even with Xin Bai and Qin Yiyi who had mixed into the circle. He was extremely worried about Qin Yiyi's safety.

Originally, Qin Yiyi and Xin Bai were in danger when they attacked Cui Pingxiao, but because Cui Pingxiao was close to the trading town, it was convenient for Xiong Dali to support them.

This is far away, Qin Yiyi's safety, they can't take care of it.

Xiong Dali was really afraid of Qin Yiyi's accident, and when the boss woke up, he didn't know how to explain to the boss.

Qin Yiyi's tone was relaxed, "We solved Cui Pingxiao together, and we are back."

"Resolved?" Xiong Dali looked shocked, "A few of you?!"

Qin Yiyi nodded, "Yes, just us." " Hey ," she asked, "How is A Zhan?"

"The boss hasn't woken up yet. I have been taking care of him for the past two days. He looks very healthy."

She hasn't woken up yet, she only saw Xiong Dali. When she came out alone, she guessed a bit, but after confirming it from Xiong Dali, she was still a bit disappointed.

Chang Huan heard the conversation between Qin Yiyi and Xiong Dali beside him, and was also particularly surprised, "Suiyu, what they said is true? Cui Pingxiao is really dead?"

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