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Chapter 171

The smell of blood on the man's body is very heavy, and he feels a little disgusted with himself.

He first went to the bathroom in the ward, washed his face, and patiently washed off the blood stains on his hands.

Looking at the person in the mirror, his head was tanned, his skin was tanned, and his eyebrows sharpened. Gu Ling himself felt a little strange.

Over the past two years, too many things have happened, and life has tempered him into this way.

After staying in the bathroom for a while, he walked out, sat down by the bed, and began to talk to the person lying on the bed about the recent events, "Shangzhou, too many things have happened these days. , It's too bad. It's so bad that I think the person above is crazy. Sometimes I wonder if you don't have any trouble, would there be no such mess..."

Gu Ling spoke to Shangzhou for a long time, Shang Zhou just fell asleep peacefully and couldn't give him any feedback. He didn't expect Shangzhou to do anything.

He knew in his heart that Shangzhou would be like this in his entire life, and there was basically no possibility of waking up.

Gu Ling was too lonely and depressed in his heart. It would be easier to find someone to tell him, so whenever he had a problem, he would come to Shangzhou to sit down.

Sitting for more than half an hour, "Okay, I should go. I didn't sleep all night last night, so I have to go back to rest and see you when I am free."

Looking at Shangzhou's skinny and dying appearance, Gu Ling only felt sad.

He remembered how they looked when they met Z for the first time. Shangzhou was still a strong young man and almost beat him to death.

And now, Shangzhou is lying in bed quietly waiting for death to come.

Thinking of myself again, the Shangzhou family is powerful and powerful in the B base, even if Shangzhou has become a useless person, there are still people taking care of it.

As for him, his family left early when the virus broke out, and there was no one close to him, and there was no way to survive if something happened.

If you die, you will die. No one will remember him at all. He is an insignificant dust in this world.

Suddenly, Gu Ling didn't know if it was Shangzhou being pitiful, or he was living a bit more sorrowful.

At this moment, he thought of Qin Yiyi, the girl who always followed him before.

The last time I saw her was half a year ago.

With Qin Zhan by her side, she also met a bunch of reliable friends.

They are all good people, and

their lives in the last days are on the right track.

If he had no feelings of betrayal at that time, life wouldn't be as difficult as it is now.

He is like a wild dog without a home, dead in the wilderness, and no one cares about it. Perhaps when others see his body, they will dislike him and get in the way.

If Yi Yi is still by his side, at least, when he dies, someone will cry for him.

On a cold autumn day, at a certain moment, someone will remember him.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

He did such a bad thing to Yi Yi that he couldn't forgive himself even thinking about it.

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