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Chapter 111

As soon as Xin Bai said this, Qin Yiyi quickly looked in the direction of the second floor.

The light on the second floor is dim, and because of the presence of men, it seems a lot of bright.

Qin Zhan's stature has become much taller. The nightgown that fits him is a bit smaller on his body, making him wide shoulders and narrow waist, so he steps on the floor with bare feet.

After more than half a year, he has completely escaped from the youthful sense of youth and has grown into a youth appearance.

He looks really good, with deep eyebrows, a tall nose, and thin lips. Probably because he has not seen the sun for a long time, his skin is a bit whiter than snow, and his black hair is like ink, draped over his shoulders.

Incomparably handsome, just looking at a bit cold, like the snow lotus that is out of reach on the Tianshan Mountains.

Qin Yiyi finally knew why Xin Bai called Qin Zhan, why there was so much uncertainty in his voice.

The man standing on the second floor looked like Qin Zhan, but his temperament was cold, his eyes were cold, and he looked like strangers with a strong sense of alienation.

Qin Yiyi hesitated for a while.

Will A Zhan forget everything when she wakes up like she did when she first picked him up. I am just a stranger to him.

Even Xiong Dali, who has always been very nervous, has the same thoughts as Qin Yiyi.

Yu Yu and others did not have the rich psychological activities of Qin Yiyi and Xin Bai. They were surprised, "Is there anyone else in our house?"

"Yiyi, is this your friend too?"

"Why are you showing up now?" "

Gong Kaiyang and his party have many questions.

They have lived in this house for more than half a month. They have never met Qin Zhan, and Qin Yiyi and the others have not mentioned it to them, as if he did not exist.

This man looked like a very dangerous person.

Silence pressed the corners of his mouth, looked at Qin Yiyi, and then at the handsome man, silent.

Forget it, whether Qin Zhan remembers her or not, it is her younger brother of Qin Yiyi.

Feelings can be established for the first time or for the second time.

Qin Yiyi no longer struggled, just about to speak, he heard Qin Zhan's cold voice from the second floor, "Yiyi, who are they?"

He called his name, which showed that Qin Zhan still remembered her. , Qin Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Looking at Qin Zhan again, the man's sense of indifference dissipated a lot, there was no coldness in those beautiful eyes, and there was pure incomprehension in his eyes, which seemed innocent and harmless.

Qin Yiyi looked at the thin and ill-fitting clothes on his body, and said, "Go back to the house first, it's cold outside."


Qin Zhan was as good as ever and returned to the house slowly.

Before leaving, his gaze stayed on silent body for a moment.

Xiong Dali was very happy, he was greatly relieved, "I was scared to death, I thought the boss had forgotten us." When

Xin Bai joined Qin Yiyi's team, Qin Zhan was already in a coma, and he took Qin Yiyi as The boss looks more.

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