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Chapter 141

They stepped into the basement step by step, and the cold air rushed over their faces.

Fan Qisi couldn't help stroking her arm, muttering in her heart, how could the temperature drop so sharply after only a few steps after entering.

She always feels that this place is a bit wicked.

The steps are very long and the spacing is narrow. Be careful when you walk. If you don't pay attention, you will fall down.

They walked for about three minutes before reaching the bottom.

Yi Yi turned his head and glanced at the way they came, and the light upstairs was almost invisible.

The distance of just a few tens of meters looks a little out of reach.

Upstairs and downstairs, there are two worlds.

The basement is not very bright, and the light bulb emits a faint yellow light, barely illuminating the dark corridor. In the caring eyes, it is like the floating ghost fire, and they are the wandering souls here.

Everything here makes Yiyi feel uncomfortable.

The road conditions in this basement are not as complicated as the above, and there are two roads in front of them, one on the left and one on the right.

The left side is unobstructed, and the right side is equipped with a large thick iron gate.

The woman told them that when they were in the basement, just turn left and you would reach the place where Xiong Dali was detained.

As for the right side, she didn't tell them what it was for, and they didn't ask at the time.

I looked at the thick iron gate intentionally, thinking that something important to the people in this research institute should be placed inside.

Their goal was to rescue Xiong Dali these people, so they were not curious about what was behind the iron gate, and they walked directly to the left side of the road.

The road was unimpeded, and none of them met.

After walking for a while, they heard painful groans not far away.

It should be the front, Qin Zhan and others stopped.

Deliberately lowered his voice and asked Qin Zhan, "A Zhan, can you feel how many people are here?"

Qin Zhan twisted his eyebrows and shook his head.

To him, this place is not ordinary weird.

He covered every corner of this place with mental power without getting any feedback.

This is not because there is no one underneath, but the spiritual power he released has been cut off by something. This is an incredible thing.

It's like shouting in a person's gloom, without hearing a little echo.

Yiyi was startled, even Ah Zhan couldn't detect it clearly?

She became more and more jealous of this place, slowed down, and reminded: "Everyone pay attention to your surroundings."

They walked slowly towards the source of the sound, walked for about 20 meters, and then turned around. Appeared in front of them.

The voice became clearer. There were not only painful groans, but also Xiong's vigorous scolding voices. Listening to the voices full of breath, there should be no serious problems with the body.

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