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5 Years Later

She always liked to watch them. For over a year, since she found out they existed, she would watch them.

She didn't exactly have a reason. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she never saw other people besides the staff and doctors at WICKED, or that she wasn't supposed to be there. She seemed to get more and more rebellious each day. I mean, who could blame her? She was only six. And WICKED had so many rules, it was hard to keep up with them all. She needed to have some type of childhood, didn't she?

Either way, Y/n couldn't help visiting the room with all the screens, seeing the community of boys in the giant field, working hard. Y/n had never watched television before, but she imagined that maybe this was what it had been like. Though for something that had once been popular among humans, it seemed terribly boring. Not much ever happened, aside from loads of farmwork, running, campfires, and the introduction of a new character once in a while, coming up from under the ground. When she was lucky, she'd get to see someone fight a monster within that maze outside the safety walls. Most kids would probably have nightmares for weeks after seeing one of those horrid mechanical-spider creatures, but Y/n wasn't most kids. The things fascinated her, as long as she reminded herself they weren't real.

Despite the strangeness of the field boys, Y/n thoroughly enjoyed watching them. It was an escape for her, getting out of the presence of doctors and nurses who tried to give her shots and other WICKED people who treated her like a mouse caught in a trap. She liked to think of the boys as her friends, as she didn't have any real ones. They made her feel safe.

The only person she'd known that she actually recalled loving was her brother. Her father had died shortly after she was born, so she'd never had the chance to know him. She hardly remembered her mother, and after all, the woman did give Y/n and her brother away to WICKED. Y/n hated the place with every inch of her being; it seemed as though nothing good ever happened there. She never saw the sun, never got to go outside. She was alone all the time, left only with boredom and fear. More than anything, she longed for an escape. And it was all because her mother had left her there.

As for her brother, she barely remembered him either. Not his name, nor his voice, or even what he looked like. But she remembered how it felt when he held her and comforted her, trying to protect her with all he had. That was enough to remind her how she loved him.

And then he disappeared and never came back. That Ava Paige woman took him to complete said task that would supposedly save the world, promising that he'd be back soon. But of course, she lied. Y/n never saw him again. And she figured she never would.

"Y/n!" a harsh voice suddenly called, startling Y/n back to reality. She knew this voice, and it scared her to the depths of her core. "Where are you, you foolish little girl? Hiding again?"

Y/n ducked behind a screen, attempting to conceal herself from the old man's view. His name was Janson, and he was by far her least favourite person in the entire building. He had greying hair and a rat-like face. He acted friendly at first, but it wasn't long before he showed his true colours. The man scared her; everything he did seemed to be vile and evil, not for the good of the world.

"Y/n!" he shouted again. "I know you're in here. Just come on out. I won't hurt you."

Y/n stayed put, though her whole body shook with fear. She knew Janson was capable of terrible things, and she didn't want to find out exactly what.

"Come on, Y/n. We need to use this room for a little, ah, experiment later today." He stepped closer to the girl's hiding spot. "Trust me, you don't want to be here for this one. Plus, you wouldn't want Dr. Paige finding out you were here, would you? You know you're not allowed."

Dr. Paige didn't scare Y/n as much as Janson did. She was often calmer and didn't act like hurting kids was her favourite pastime. Y/n still didn't show herself. But Janson was getting closer by the second. She was running out of time. 

Then she noticed the door, wide open right across from her. She didn't know where it would lead, but she sure hoped there would be somewhere to hide. But she'd have to make a run for it.

Janson's footsteps were clearly audible behind her. He'd catch her if she didn't move quickly. So she stood up and bolted, as fast as she could, across the room. She emerged through the door, slamming it shut and locking it behind her, while Janson pounded on it from the other side.

"Come back here, you stupid child!" he yelled. "You can't hide from me! You'll have to come out eventually. Trust me, you won't like it there. It's dark and creepy. Just come on out, where it's—" He trailed off. Y/n pressed her ear to the door to hear what was going on.

Another voice was saying, "Just leave her for now. If she doesn't come out because she's scared, surely she will when the other subjects get here. She's a curious child. She'll follow them out."

Y/n didn't want to listen anymore. She pushed away from the door and turned around, taking in her surroundings. She stood in a long, dimly-lit hallway, that was, in fact, dark and creepy. Not to mention, it was also cold and gloomy, as though the boogie-man himself had labeled it as his territory.

Y/n could have tried to explore further, to find out where the corridor led. But she was terrified, and felt weak. She didn't know where she was, and she didn't dare go back into the room with the screens, where Janson would surely be waiting for her. So she did the one thing her body felt like it was capable of doing: she collapsed to the floor, pulled her knees to her chest, and cried.

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