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Bertha, as it turned out, was a truck. A truck given a splash of personality with the pair of immense bull horns attached to the front.

Jorge drove Brenda and the Gladers through the flat, barren landscape of the scorch, the mountains in front of them growing nearer by the minute. Newt enjoyed his seat in shotgun while Y/n sat right behind him, holding tight to Thomas. Her breaths came in and out shakily, unsteady as a newborn trying to walk. It took every bit of her strength not to pass out right then and there.

The smooth and comfortable ride was soon interrupted, though Y/n couldn't see from where she sat what the problem was. And she really didn't want to get up now. Nonetheless, Thomas still tugged her hand to try and get her out of the car. "Come on, Y/n," he said. "There's a whole line of abandoned cars blocking our route. We gotta go investigate." Reluctantly, she forced herself to climb out and go with him.

The Gladers examined the scene with confusion and annoyance. Jorge sighed impatiently. "Well, I guess we're on foot." So, the group continued walking, observing each car to see if they could find any signs of what had happened. So far, nothing good. Just trash, broken windows, and deserted supplies, all of which could mean a load of different things.

Suddenly, just as Thomas was eyeing something that looked suspiciously like a bullet hole on one car's dashboard, a string of gunshots rained down in their direction.

"Everybody get down!" Jorge yelled as Thomas grabbed hold of Y/n and pulled her behind the car he'd just been looking at for cover. The shots seemed to be coming from above the group, over the edge of the cliffs surrounding them.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" Thomas shouted, once the commotion had died down. He was met with enough responses of "yes" and "we're fine" to feel relief settle inside of him.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" came the sound of Newt's voice from a few feet away. Thomas was glad to hear that he was okay.

"That son of a bitch, Marcus," Jorge growled. "He led us into an ambush."

Frustrated, Thomas risked glancing up at the cliffs to see if he could see anyone. They were empty. He was about to suggest that maybe the coast was clear when another bullet landed right on the hood of the car, inches away from his nose. He frantically ducked back down again. "What do we do?"

"Here." Jorge held out a small rectangular device with wires and buttons that Thomas did not feel trustworthy enough to be left with. "Hold this. We gotta create a diversion. You get ready to chuck that." He rummaged through his pack and pulled out some kind of gadget with a bright red switch. Immediately, Thomas understood what was happening. The thing he was holding was an explosive. "Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge signalled to Thomas, who was waiting in position. "Ready?" he whispered. "One ... Two ..." He braced to flip the switch, when a gun cocked behind him.

"Drop it."

The voice was female, and sounded very angry. "Now!" she shouted.

Slowly, Thomas and Y/n turned to face their ambushers. Two women stood in front of them, the lower parts of their faces concealed by masks. Both were armed with shotguns. The speaker had brown skin and black hair tied in cornrows, wearing a brown coat that looked so soft it made Y/n wish she'd had it during those painful nights in the Scorch. The other girl had pale skin and long golden-blonde hair that she wore in a ponytail, bouncing against her blue button-up jacket.

"I said drop it!" the first girl yelled, seeing that Jorge hadn't complied. Finally, he did as she asked, placing the detonator on the ground beside him. Still, she wasn't satisfied. "On your feet. Let's go." Thomas, Jorge, and Y/n stood up, though they did it slowly and unsurely. And this girl was impatient. "Let's go! Move! Back up!"

"Easy," Jorge muttered, arms raised above his head.

The girl ignored him, noticing Minho and Newt still crouched in their hiding spot. "You two, over here now!"

"Come on, let's go!" shouted the second girl, speaking for the first time. "Don't be stupid! Move."

Suddenly, the first girl's eyes widened as she caught sight of something—or someone—among the crowd. "Aris?" She lowered her gun and yanked the mask down from her face.

Aris, who had previously staring at the ground, looked up and gasped when he recognized her. "Oh, my God. Harriet?"

Harriet strode forward and threw her arms around him. "My God, Aris, what the hell are you doing here?"

But Aris had caught sight of the other girl, who broke into a grin. "Sonya," he said as she ran up to join the embrace.

"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass," Sonya laughed. "You alright, man?"

Aris looked like he might burst into tears. It was the most emotion any of the Gladers had seen him display out of all the time they'd been travelling together. "How ... How did you ..."

"Uhh ..." Minho broke in, "what's happening?"

"We were in the maze together," Aris replied, smiling now.

Before anyone could say anything else, Harriet looked up to the top of the cliff and whistled. "We're clear, guys! Come on out!"

"Copy that!" someone shot back from up above. "We're clear! Stand down!"

Sonya and Harriet led the group past the line of abandoned cars, to a spot of open road where men and women stood left and right, standing guard and gearing up vehicles.

"We're taking them to base," said Harriet, her strides smooth and quick. Y/n struggled to keep up, even clinging to Tommy's hand. Every step she took made her feel like she was being shoved down a flight of stairs, sending her deeper into the realm of unconsciousness. If only she could just lie down ...

"Wait, so," Aris started, "how did you guys get here?"

"The Right Arm got us out," Harriet answered simply, as if it was no big deal.

Thomas's eyes widened. "Wait, wait. The Right Arm? Do you know where they are?"

Harriet said something else then, but Y/n couldn't make out the words. She felt the pull now, harder than ever, trying to take her away. No , she thought. Not now. I need to stay with Tommy. But she knew she couldn't stay. There was no ... no fighting anymore. She just had to ... just ... had to ... go to ... sleep.

At once, Thomas's frantic voice was in her ear, fighting for volume over the ringing that had now become deafening. "Y/n! Stay with me, Y/n! What's happening? Somebody help! Somebody ..."

And then the world, Y/n's world, went blank.

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