˜*°• epilogue •°*˜

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The next morning, the remaining Gladers and Right Arm members gathered in the midst of the rubble, grim expressions on their faces as they gathered any surviving necessities.

"What do we do now?" Frypan asked, sad eyes fixed into the distance.

Vince sighed and stood up from where he had been crouching over a shrouded body. "Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan, get you kids to the safe haven. Then we start over, I guess."

Thomas felt his heart sink all the way to his stomach. Y/n, Minho, Aris, Sonya ... They had all been taken. The Right Arm couldn't possibly just leave them there, in the hands of WICKED, could they?

"I'm not going with you," he decided, thinking aloud. He felt all eyes turn on him, though he kept his strictly on Vince.

The Right Arm's leader raised an incredulous eyebrow. "What?"

"I made promises to Y/n and Minho," Thomas said firmly. "I wouldn't leave them behind. I have to go after them."

"Hey, kid, look around you." Vince spread his arms wide, indicating the vast expanse of wreckage. "WICKED just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed."

Thomas shrugged. "I'm not asking anyone to come with me."

Tentatively, Newt stepped forward. "Tommy, listen to me. I've known Minho for.... Well, as long as I can remember. And I've gown to care for Y/n a whole lot over the time she's spent with us. So, if there was any way that we could help them, trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. But this, what you're talking about, is impossible."

"More like suicide," Jorge chimed in. 

"Maybe," Thomas said. "But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about my sister, or our friends. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them."

A small smile crossed Newt's lips as he met Thomas's gaze, filling Thomas's heart with warmth and reassurance.

"I'm gonna kill Ava Paige," Thomas stated, not a trace of doubt in his voice.

Harriet stepped out from behind Vince. She looked rugged, eyes red and sunken. Thomas knew she had been just as affected by the losses of Sonya and Aris as he had been with Y/n and Minho, so he really couldn't blame her. "I'd like some revenge," she said.

Vince let out a deep breath, finally relenting. "Well, that's a good speech, kid. So, what's your plan?"

The others looked to Thomas expectantly. It was all him now, he realized. Just as it was back in the Maze, only this time they were running away from freedom rather than towards it. But if it meant that there was any chance of saving Y/n, Minho, and the others, Thomas would have chosen the same path over and over again.

An idea began to form, and after taking a moment to chew it over in his mind, he voiced it to his eager comrades.

It would be a difficult process, but they would get through it. They were Gladers, after all. They always did.

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