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"We have to go!" Jorge yelled, grabbing Y/n by the shoulder. "They'll come for us!"

"No!" She jerked out of his hold. "Not without Tommy."

"I agree," Newt said. His voice was shaking. "We can't just leave him there with WICKED."

"You think I want to leave Brenda behind, too?" Jorge snapped. "She's like a daughter to me, and I would throw myself into a hoard of Cranks for her. But there's nothing we can do now. Trust me, I wouldn't be leaving if I didn't have faith that she could make it out with your friend. She's a smart girl. Tough, too. And if that Thomas kid managed to help all of you escape WICKED and bring you all the way here, I'm sure he'll manage; as long as he's got Brenda to lead the way. Now, come on. We've got places to be."

Y/n still wasn't completely convinced, but she knew Jorge was right—there was nothing they could do. But she also knew that she trusted Thomas with her life, and she had to believe he'd make it out. And if Brenda was anything like how Jorge described, then Y/n trusted her too. Inhaling deeply, she accepted Newt's outstretched hand and joined the rest of the group as they started down the tunnel.

"Sooo," said Minho, voice echoing through the dark, "where exactly are we going?"

"The town. To see Marcus," replied Jorge, as if that was the only answer they needed.

Frypan nodded. "Marcus. Right. Of course. We love Marcus. Uh, who's Marcus?"

"Marcus is our ticket to the Right Arm, hermano. He used to smuggle immune kids up to the mountains. Brenda should know that that's where I'm taking you. She'll also know how to get there. Which means we'll meet up with them at Marcus's place and force him to bring us all to the Right Arm."

"And if Thomas and Brenda don't show up?" Newt countered, his grip tightening on Y/n's hand. "What then?"

Jorge shook his head. "They'll be there."

They walked on through the cavern-like area in silence, until Jorge insisted that they stop to rest for the night. He said they were nearing the exit and it would be better if they didn't go venturing through the town in the dark. The Gladers agreed, for they were all very tired anyway.

Y/n sat down in a corner with Newt and Minho, her limbs turning to jelly. Sitting felt really good, but the problem was that she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get up again later. She leaned up against Newt's shoulder, shivering and trying to take a deep breath. She wished more than anything that Tommy were here. He always knew how to help her, how to make her feel better. That thought gave her an idea. Maybe Tommy could still be of aid, even when he was far away.

"Newt?" she asked. "What was Tommy like before I met him? When you were all in the Maze."

Newt chuckled softly, glancing down at Y/n's face. "Oh, you two would have gotten along bloody well, I think; if you had been there. He was always doing reckless things, like breaking the rules and running into the damn Maze when I told him not to. But it worked for him, I suppose. He always came back. It was him and Min who were the first to ever survive a whole night in the Maze, y'know. I was so scared then, when they were stuck in there—locked outside, listening to the monsters roaring, thinking I was about to lose my two best friends in the world as well as the newbie who was soon to be my other best friend. Then, miraculously, the doors opened the next day and those dumb shanks came limping out. I think that moment must have brought me more relief than I've ever felt, including the great chunk of my life that I can't remember."

Minho, who'd been listening in, shook his head in bewilderment. "It was all Thomas, too. If it had just been me and Alby in there, as much as I hate to admit it, I would've given up. We would've been Griever meat for sure. It was Thomas's dumb shuck ass who kept us going. He figured out a way to keep Alby hidden, and even managed to kill the Griever that came after us. We declared him a Runner almost as soon as we got out, obviously."

"And then he went on to find the way out of the Maze," Newt continued. Then his bubbly facade faded a little. "Even though leaving didn't really end well for us, clearly. But that's not Tommy's fault, not even a bit. We would have died if we'd stayed in the Maze anyway. At least now we've got a chance. If we can get to the Right Arm, then there's a possibility we might be safe from WICKED for good."

"And it's all thanks to Thomas," Minho finished. "He's the only reason we have this chance at all."

Newt nodded in agreement. "We'll find him, Greenie. Don't worry. Or who knows, maybe he'll find us."

Y/n cocked her head to the side. "What's 'greenie'?"

"It's what we used to call the newbies when they first arrive in the Glade," Newt answered. "I know we're not in the Glade anymore, but you are still sort of our newest newbie. And you're definitely one of us by now."

Y/n's face broke into a grin. She liked being one of them. She'd never exactly had a real family before, but she imagined that this might be what that felt like.

"Alright then, Greenie," Newt said. "I think you better get some sleep. You look exhausted and you're gonna need your energy for finding Tommy. Right?"

Y/n nodded, already feeling her body start to shut down as she pillowed her head on Newt's thigh. The last thing she saw was the tunnel's dark, stony walls before she closed her eyes and let her consciousness slip away.

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