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"Tommy!" Y/n shouted, trying to break away from Newt to run to him.

"Y/n, stop!" Newt demanded, pulling her back. "Tommy's coming. He's a fast runner. He'll be be okay. We need to keep moving."

Sure enough, Thomas and Minho caught up to them in no time. The group reached a large staircase—the word escalator came to mind—which they clambered up rapidly and rushed across another corridor.

Suddenly, a Crank appeared in front of them, growling and snarling at the kids it hoped would be its next meal. Y/n hid behind Newt's back while he squeezed her arms tightly. "I'm not gonna let you get hurt," he whispered.

Aris picked up a fallen metal bar about the size of a baseball bat and charged the Crank.

"No!" Thomas and Minho screamed in unison.

The new boy swung his makeshift weapon at the Crank's legs, sending it sprawling to the ground.

"Let's go!" Thomas yelled, starting up another escalator. Newt was behind him in an instant with Y/n still clinging to his wrist. Teresa, Minho, and Winston followed, then Aris and Frypan. They should've been paying better attention. They should've done more to assist poor Jack, who was swept away by a band of crazies, causing him to fall off the edge of the staircase onto the floor several feet below.

"JACK!" cried Frypan. It took much effort to move the former cook away from the spot where Jack had fallen, but they eventually managed to drag him up to the next floor. With the Cranks still gaining on them, they couldn't afford to lose anyone else.

They crossed another hall, and Y/n could was getting more worried by the second. She could see that Newt was limping, starting to fall behind the others. "Go," he told her between gasps of air. "Catch up ... with ... Tommy. I'll be ... fine." She didn't want to leave him, but she knew it would. be best for her. She obeyed, running for Thomas.

The sound of glass breaking and a loud, monstrous roar, followed by a boy's cry of pain stopped Y/n in her tracks. She spun around to see Newt being pinned to the floor by a Crank, desperately trying to wrestle it off of him.

"Tommy, help!" she shrieked. They couldn't lose Newt, not after everything ...

It had barely been a second before Thomas arrived, kicking the Crank in the torso hard enough for it to go crashing through the glass barrier between the higher platform they were on and the floor down below. He grabbed Newt by the hands and hauled the him to his feet. "Newt, you good?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Tommy."

Thomas let go of him, taking Y/n's hand as they started running again. The Cranks were catching up quickly.

"Through here!" Minho said, leading them into a dim, narrow hallway. "Let's go! They're coming!"

The Gladers moved across the threshold as fast as they could, though the hall was too thin to fit more than one person at a time. As it came to Thomas and Y/n's turn, something came out of nowhere and propelled itself at the little girl. She screamed as she and the Crank hit the ground, the monster snarling and growling like a hungry animal. She could see the full terror of it up close—the madness in its eyes, the bulging dark blue veins, the rotting corpse smell of its breath and body. Was this how she'd die? At six years old, being restrained to the ground by a psychotic cannibal with a smelly breath?

Until all of a sudden, she could breath properly again and the weight of the body on top of her had lifted. She turned her head to see Tommy locked in a fight with the Crank, doing whatever he could to keep it away from the girl. Finally, he managed to shove it off the edge of the floor, similarly to how he dealt with the one that attacked Newt. As soon as it was gone from sight, he ran back to Y/n and swept her up in his arms.

"Tommy, you saved my life," she said, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're alive, Y/n," he said, squeezing her back. "But we gotta go. The Cranks are coming."

He put her put her back down on her feet as they ran into the hall, following the others.

It was dark in there, and it seemed to stretch on for ages. An exit was nowhere to be found. Still, they kept moving, desperate to escape the cries of the lunatics behind them. Thomas had worked his way to the front of the group to lead, while Teresa helped Y/n along.

"Guys, where are we going?" Newt asked worriedly.

"They're coming!" Teresa shouted. "Go, go!"

At last, they came to a door. Relief began to settle over the group until they realized it was locked, a chain and padlock concealing it shut.

Minho slammed the wall angrily. "It's a dead end!"

He was right. Beyond the door, the hallway ended. There was nowhere left to run.

"Try to smash it," Teresa suggested. "If we keep kicking it, the chain has to give out eventually. It's worth a try at least. What else can we do besides sit here and wait to get killed?"

There was no time to waste. Thomas threw all his weight at the door, slamming it so hard his skin was sure to bruise. Though he started going harder and faster when the Cranks appeared in their line of sight.

Winston pulled out the gun he'd stolen from the WICKED guard earlier. "I'll hold them back!" He took aim and started firing, striking down a few zombie-like creatures who'd been closest to the Gladers.

It took every single one of them body-slamming the door to pull the chain loose enough, and after one final hit from Frypan, it burst open.

The Gladers swarmed through the exit like insects being set free from a container. The only one left was Winston, who was struggling to hold off all the attackers. When he finally turned to join the others, a Crank pounced, knocked him over, and began to drag him back inside.

"Winston!" Thomas darted forward and clasped Winston's arms before the boy disappeared fully. Newt, Teresa, and Y/n were by his side, assisting, while Minho and Fry attempted to keep the rest of the monsters at bay by pushing the door closed. Winston screamed in agony as the Cranks gripped to him harder, ripping at the skin of his stomach until he was yanked out of their grasp by his friends. Thomas retreated to help Minho with the door, Fry joining Newt to help Winston. Teresa held Y/n's hand as the five of them started to run again, leaving Thomas and Minho.

"Go, Minho!" Thomas insisted. "I'm right behind you!"

Minho took off. Thomas braced himself, then sprinted after him. He could hear the Cranks pushing their way through, racing to catch up with their meal. He didn't look back, knowing it would slow him down and potentially cost him his life. Back in the Glade, the number one rule of being a Runner seemed to be coming back to haunt him in nearly every scenario: Never stop running. And he now knew that he was going to have to live by those words if he ever wanted to survive.

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