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Y/n screamed bloody murder as Janson dragged her through the halls. She knew exactly where he was taking her and didn't want to go. This place—the Hidden Room—held nothing but terrible memories. It was Y/n's punishment place, where she was always taken when she wasn't following WICKED's strict rules.

The idea of going back scared her right to the core.

Especially now, when she'd finally started to believe there might be a way out of this place. If she stuck with Thomas and the Gladers and convinced them to trust her, she could do it. But no. Of course Janson had to ruin everything again, as usual.

"No," Y/n begged, trying to pry Janson's fingers off her arm. "Please don't take me back there. I can't go back there."

"Just shut up," Janson snarled. "You broke the rules. Now you have to face the consequences."

They reached the entrance to the room. Y/n whimpered. If he locked her in there, the Gladers would already be dead before she was let out again. Janson used his key card to open the sliding metal door, then shoved the little girl inside. She landed hard on the floor as the door shut and locked behind her.

The lights came on automatically, illuminating the space, though they were dim and flickering. The room was cold and devoid of furniture aside from a single bed that hardly provided comfort. A small bathroom area stood in one corner, holding nothing but a simple toilet and sink. The only way out was the door, which Y/n obviously couldn't unlock herself. There was a small cat-sized flap from which the WICKED staff delivered her food, which was much too small to escape from. Trust me, she'd tried. Nothing ever worked.

She felt so helpless. The Gladers were now in terrible danger and, trapped in this room, there was nothing she could do to stop it.


The door buzzed as Janson's minion shoved the Gladers into their room one by one, shouting, "Get your asses in there! All of you!"

When the boys were all inside and the door had slammed shut, everyone turned on Thomas.

"What the hell was that about?" Minho demanded.

"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt piped in.

Thomas shrugged. "Nah, of course I didn't." He reached into his pant's pocket and pulled out a small card: a key, which he'd grabbed from the security guard earlier in the cafeteria.

Realization crossed the Gladers' faces. "Ohh!" they said in unison.

"I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door," Thomas stated. "And maybe look for Y/n too, while I'm at it. She's gotta be here somewhere."

Newt glared at him, unconvinced. "Right."

"Newt, they're hiding something. Okay? These people are not who they say they are. You saw the way Janson took Y/n. It was aggressive, especially for a young girl. Clearly, she knows something they don't want her to know and they're afraid she's going to help us. We need to find her."

Newt sighed. "Tommy, just listen to me. We can't go making assumptions like that. We don't even know this girl. I agree that we should try to find her, but—"

"Come on, Newt! You gotta admit something's up with this place."

"No, Thomas, you don't know that! The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes, they gave us food, they gave us a proper bed ... Some of us haven't had that in a long time."

Thomas nodded. "Yeah, but ..."

Newt's gaze was ice cold. "Some of us a lot longer than others."

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