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"No!" both Thomas and Jorge yelled, jumping to Brenda's defence.

"Step back!" screamed Vince, aiming his gun. Minho grabbed Y/n's frail body from Thomas's arms and tried to shield her from the action.

Thomas held up his hands. "No, wait. Listen, okay? This just happened. She's not dangerous yet."

Vince's eyes were wide with rage and fear. "Well, you shouldn't have brought her here!"

"I know, I—"

"We let Cranks in here now, the safe haven doesn't last a week!"

Thomas took a shaky breath. "I-I understand, alright? Just listen. Please."

Vince said nothing, so Thomas thought he ought to continue. "Look, I told her that you could help. Look at her, man. There's gotta be something you can do." Vince's eyes shifted down to Brenda, who, though still conscious, was gasping each breath losing colour in her skin.

"Yeah," he finally said, "there is." He cocked his gun. "I can put her out of her misery."

Thomas's heart dropped as Vince pointed the gun at Brenda, though he was soon interrupted by a woman's voice. "Vince, that's enough!" she shouted. "Let him go."

The speaker was a short, middle-aged woman with wavy dark brown hair and a stern look on her face. At her approach, Vince's stance wavered a little. "She's infected, Doc. There's nothing we can do for her."

The doc pondered that for a moment, then her face lit up slightly. "No, we can't. But he can." She gestured to Thomas and smiled. "Hello, Thomas."

Thomas's mouth fell open, as they eyes of his comrades simultaneously shifted in his direction. He suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. "Y-you know me?" he asked the woman.

She narrowed her eyes and nodded, the smile fading from her lips. "Interesting," she observed. "It makes sense they'd put you in the Maze. Though I must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."

"W-what I did?"

The doc's solemn gaze locked on Thomas's. "The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every WICKED compound, trial, and lab." She knelt next to Brenda and began to examine her cautiously.

"He was our source," muttered Vince, shocked by the realization.

The woman nodded. "We couldn't have pulled all this off without him." She rested a hand carefully on Brenda's shoulder. "Take her to the tent. Get the rest of these guys some warm clothes. And—" She caught sight of Y/n in Minho's arms, the rest of her words dying in her throat. "Who's this?"

Thomas swallowed a lump in his throat. "That's Y/n. She's the other thing I wanted to ask you about. We found her at the WICKED facility we were brought to after the Maze, and she's been with us ever since. But at some point while we were travelling, she started to get sick and has just been getting worse. It's weird though, because it doesn't really seem like the Flare. So I was hoping maybe you could help?"

"Interesting," the doc repeated. "But yes, I'm sure there's something I can do. Here, why don't you bring her to the tent along with the other girl and I'll try and figure it out there."

"Okay," Thomas said. He took Y/n from Minho's arms while Jorge and another man hauled Brenda up together.

"Thomas, come on," the woman urged gently. "I need to get some blood from you."

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