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"Come on!" Thomas shouted as he hastily helped shove everyone through the broken window frame. Y/n first, then Teresa, Jack, Frypan ...

Minho had been standing guard, aiming the gun at Janson's cronies, though he tossed it to Thomas once everyone was safely on the other side. He followed quickly, and the group ran.

"Just stay right behind me!" Thomas shouted over his shoulder, scrambling to the door across the room. He yanked it open only to come face to face with a WICKED guard clad in a black ski mask, leaving only his eyes exposed. Without thinking, Thomas fired the gun and hit the man square in the chest. Immediately, he flew backwards and his body spasmed with electricity, convulsing and crackling. Thomas's shocked eyes flew to the weapon he held in his hand, realizing for the first time how much power he truly held. But the Gladers had no time to waste. Thomas took off down the corridor, his friends following suit.

They ran for what felt like forever, chests heaving with effort as they sprinted through hall after hall, hoping against all hope that it would lead somewhere. It felt scarily similar to running through the ivy passages of the Maze; always adventuring into some great unknown, searching for a way out but never seeming to get close. Until finally:

"There it is!" Thomas exclaimed, relief flooding through his chest. "There it is!"

Sure enough, a large blast door stood at the end of the hall they'd just entered, beckoning them forward. Thomas barely stopped his momentum in time before he crashed into the hard metal. He swiped his stolen key card through the panel a little too aggressively, waiting for the door to open so they could leave. But nothing happened. Thomas swiped again and again. Nothing. Their only exit remained sealed shut.

"Shit!" Thomas swore. "No, no, no!"

"Thomas!" a familiar diabolical voice called out from down the corridor.

Thomas whipped around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. There stood Janson; unarmed, though he had four guards with guns backing him up. Y/n whimpered and ducked behind Teresa. With shaking hands, Thomas cocked his own weapon and aimed it at the approaching men.

"Open this door, Janson!"

"You really don't want me to," the Ratman replied, stepping forward cautiously.


"Listen to me." Janson's tone was unsettlingly calm, though there was malice in his words. "I'm trying to save your life. The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will." He paused, glaring at the boy in front of him. "Thomas, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you."

Thomas's grip tightened around his weapon. When he spoke, his words were ice cold. "Yeah, let me guess. WICKED is good?"

Janson's rat-like features twisted into a malevolent smirk. "You're not getting through that door, Thomas."

It just so happened that at that very moment, the blast door shot open, revealing Aris and Winston on the other side, looking proud of themselves.

"Hey, guys," said Aris, barely holding back a grin. The Gladers stared at him, mouths open in shock. Frypan was the first to snap out of it.

"Come on!" he encouraged, being the first to step into the outside world. The others followed right on his heels, then turned to wait for Thomas.

The boy was still up ahead, far from the exit, aiming his weapon at Janson.

"Tommy!" Newt shouted urgently. "Come on! Let's go!"

Instead of turning and running immediately, Thomas fired off a few shots at Janson's guards. The Ratman himself had ducked away to shield his body while the men with actual bullet-proof glass safeguards moved to the front.

After only a few shots, the gun ran out of ammunition. In a brief moment of panic, not knowing what to do, Thomas chucked it hastily at the guards and broke into a run, just as the main door started to shut.

The seconds that followed were all a blur. Thomas felt himself bolting for the door, head pounding, the sounds of his friends' screams of encouragement and the commotion of WICKED staff behind him muffled in the background. The door was so close to closing. He wasn't going to make it. I'm going to die here, he thought miserably. And after everything he'd gone through in the Maze, and again at this facility to make sure they all escaped—

No, he thought determinedly. He was going to make it. Feeling a new burst of adrenaline, Thomas ran faster and faster, sliding down across the floor like a baseball player when he reached the exit, just as the door clanged shut against the concrete floor.

Thomas inhaled deeply in relief, feeling his limbs still shaking. Y/n was at his side in an instant, rubbing his shoulder reassuringly, then assisting him as he scrambled to his feet.

Aris darted forward and smashed the lock with something metallic in his hands, though Thomas couldn't see exactly what. Either way, he probably saved their lives. Janson and the others wouldn't be joining them outside anytime soon, at least not that way.

Speaking of Janson, he had pressed his ugly rat-like features into the small, glass window of the door, yelling and cursing at the Gladers. Fed up with it, Thomas flipped him off.

The other kids had already started running. Winston snatched a pistol from an unconscious guard, while Minho grabbed one of the larger electrical guns.

Together, the rogue group sprinted through the warehouse area of the compound, being cautious of the alarms blaring over every speaker and the guards making their way to the lower floor to catch them. Thomas tuned it all out. He grabbed Y/n's hand as they ran, making sure she didn't fall behind. Not that he really needed to be worried; the girl was quite a fast runner for someone so small. But he wouldn't let himself take any chances.

Finally, they reached the main door, the one that they'd entered from the first time and the one they'd leave from for hopefully the last time. This was it. They were going outside, into the hot, dry land known as the Scorch. And there was no going back.

Naturally, the Gladers didn't hesitate. As soon as they managed to force the large doors open, they ran out into the dark, sandy unknown, not bothering to look back.

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