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Y/n couldn't take it anymore.

She was still trapped in the Hidden Room, alone and helpless, with no way of checking on her friends. A terrible feeling filled her gut. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. She needed to get out of there.

But how?

The girl scanned her surroundings, trying to find something; anything that could potentially help her escape.

Her eyes fell on something she'd never really thought about before. A vent on the ceiling directly above her bed. She'd always known it was there, but it had never seemed important. Maybe if she stood on her bed and tried to open it ...

She climbed onto the cot and reached up for the vent. Immediately, any hope drained from inside her. She was still too short. In frustration, she stamped her foot on the bed, pounded her fist against the wall, and yelled.


Thomas clambered rapidly through the vents, desperate to get back to the Gladers. His mind was still trying to process all the information he and Aris had just uncovered, but he knew one thing for sure: He needed to warn his friends. And then they all had to get out of this facility as soon as possible.

Suddenly, he heard a scream. The piercing sound shot through the vent like a bolt of lightning, nearly startling Thomas out of his skin. 

The person screamed again. Thomas new that voice. He knew it from when the young girl had tried to fight off Janson in the cafeteria when he was attempting to separate her from the Gladers.

"Y/n," he muttered.

Quickly, he followed the source of the noise, ending up at another opening in the vent.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "What are you doing?" hissed Aris's voice. "We need to go."

Thomas shrugged off his hand. "Just give me a second."

"Y/n?" he called. "Are you there?"

"Tommy?" replied a small voice coming from below, causing Thomas to exhale in relief. "Tommy, is that you? I'm down here! I'm stuck!"

Thomas placed his hands on the opening, ready to pull it out. "Don't worry, Y/n. I'm going to get you out of there."

He wrenched the vent open, then lowered himself into the girl's room. Immediately, she tackled him in a hug.

"Thanks for saving me," she whispered.

"Of course," Thomas said. "It's really great to see you, Y/n. But we gotta get out of here now. Or else Janson's gonna do something to my friends."

Y/n nodded. "Let's go."

Using all his might, Thomas managed to lift the girl up from the bed and into the vent while Aris pulled her from above. Then, he hoisted himself up, sealed the rift, and led Y/n down the dark maze of passages.


"Come on, Y/n," Thomas called, hoisting himself and the young girl the rest of the way through the vent until they spilled out into the Gladers' room.

"Thomas!" Minho cried as his friend scrambled to his feet. "And Y/n? You found her? Hey, what's going on?"

"We gotta go. We gotta go right now." Thomas moved around the room quickly, panicking. Only one thought clouded his mind: Janson was coming for them, and they needed to leave immediately.

Naturally, the Gladers bombarded him with questions.

"Why? What's up?"

"What's going on?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean, 'We gotta go?'"

"They're coming," was all Thomas could reply in his panicked state. "Come on. We gotta go. They're coming for us."

He grabbed the sheets and mattress from his bed and ran to the door. He tied the sheet around the handle and pressed the mattress up against it like a barricade. 

"What happened in there?" asked Frypan. "How did you find Y/n? Aris, what happened?"

Aris, still clearly in shock, didn't say a word.

"Thomas," Newt pressed, "can you just calm down and talk to us?"

Thomas fumbled with the sheet tied to the door, not meeting Newt's eyes. "Sh-she's still alive.

"Who's she?" Frypan demanded. "Teresa?"

Thomas shook his head, feeling sick to the stomach. "Ava."

"Ava?" Newt replied. "Come on, Tommy will you just turn around and talk to us?"

"It's WICKED!" Thomas shouted, silencing the others. "It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED."

He slammed his fists against the mattress on the door, grunting. Newt came up behind him.

"Thomas," the boy said softly. "What did you see?"

Thomas sighed and turned to meet his friend's eyes. They were running low on time, that was true, but the others deserved a full explanation. He told them about the room full of bodies, about Janson's interaction with Ava Paige, who was, in fact, alive. And, finally, he told them about discovering Y/n in the Hidden Room through the vents and going to save her.

That was enough convincing for the Gladers. One by one, each person crawled through the vent to escape. Aris took the lead since he knew his way around better than anyone. He was followed by Minho, Jack, Frypan, then Winston. Newt stayed back for a second to let Y/n go before him, promising Thomas that he'd watch out for her and keep her safe. Thomas followed Newt, bringing up the rear. He'd barely made it through the hole when he heard the door bang open, leading Janson's minions into an empty dorm.

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