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They finally did it. They escaped the Maze. After three years of living in fear of the monstrous world of the labyrinth, the Gladers finally succeeded in completing their one goal.

Thomas, their leader, stood in the hallway the survivors had just emerged in, the others close behind. The door was right in front of them, the word ᴇxɪᴛ displayed above in bright neon letters.

"Seriously?" muttered one of the other Gladers, Frypan.

Ignoring him, Thomas pushed open the door, daring himself to hope that the time he spent in the Maze, time of torture and fear and confusion, had come to an end once and for all.

Boy, was he wrong.

The first thing he noticed were the three bodies, lying slack on the metal floor, covered in blood that could only be their own. Alarms blared and lights flickered overhead. Broken glass was scattered on the floor.

Thomas shook his head. This couldn't be right. They were supposed to be safe, to be free. This had to be some sort of trick from the Creators.

The Gladers cautiously stepped further into the room. The sight didn't improve. More bloody bodies, some covered in sheets, some just sprawled on the floor. Only one thing was clear: there were no survivors. No living beings in this room besides the group of boys.

Well, there was one other person. But she kept herself hidden so the others wouldn't see her.

When Y/n first saw the boys, she couldn't believe her eyes. She recognized them as the same kids she used to watch in the field all day, only dirtier and more worn out. Whenever she got close enough to smell them, the stench made it seem like they'd run two marathons, rolled in dirt, and forgot to take a shower after. But the only thing that mattered to her then was that the boys were here, actually here. They weren't just television characters. But then, why had they been on camera? And why did they look so messy and seem so scared? Y/n got a terrible feeling WICKED had been no better to them than they were to her.

She'd followed them through the hall she had gotten stuck in earlier (no, she hadn't come out yet) and then reluctantly back into the room with all the screens. But it was different. Something was wrong with the lights and the alarms were blaring ...

Then Y/n's heart leaped into her throat. She could see the bodies now, of people she assumed were the ones who worked in the room all day. She didn't recognize any of them, as she only came in here when it was empty. But they were clearly dead. Not sleeping. Not pretending. Dead.

But ... that couldn't be right. She hadn't exactly been keeping track of time when she was stuck in the hallway, but when she'd visited the lab earlier, everyone was supposed to be off. Why were they suddenly back, and dead?

Janson's words echoed through her head: We need to use this room for a little, ah, experiment later today. Trust me, you don't want to be here for this one.

Was this that so-called experiment? Why did everyone have to play dead? Unless they weren't playing ...

"What happened here?" one of the boys said, startling Y/n.

Nobody replied. Some exchanged wary glances with each other, then kept moving while Y/n stayed hidden behind them. They wondered over to the screens, which still displayed images of the field that had once been their home. Many of the boys appeared unsettled, as though they had no idea anyone had been observing them.

"So they were watching us," said a boy with blond hair. "This whole time."

Another boy approached a control pad, fingering it. He had dark brown hair and wore a light blue shirt. Something drew Y/n to him, but she couldn't figure out what. Nor did she have time to dwell on it, because the boy pressed a button on the pad, causing an image to flicker to life on the main screen. The image was of none other that Dr. Ava Paige.

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