1: A Free Meal

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"Papi, not there." Gun giggled as Off begin tickling his sides. "Papi seriously." Gun said in between Laughs. "P'Off!"

Off abruptly stopped and pouted at Gun. He slowly backed away and started heading towards the door. Gun froze, unsure of what to do next. He finally screamed, "Papi! Come back." But no sound came out.

Gun woke up from his nightmare. It's been 3 months since Off broke up with him without warning. Sure they had been fighting more but they always reconciled. The last argument they had was about Off hanging out too much with his toxic coworkers. They had a screaming match and Off left the apartment. The next morning Gun woke up and saw that Off had removed all his belongings and left behind a note. "I'm done. This is really tiring. I'm sorry."

Gun quickly called Off only to find out his number had been disconnected. Gun was devastated and spent a whole month living life listlessly like a zombie.

His friends did an intervention so Gun did what he does best: act.

The second month Gun made some very questionable decisions. He'd go out and party all night, drink, dance, and hookup. He secretly hoped word would get to Off about Gun misbehaving.

Eventually New gave Gun an ultimatum... turn it down or end the friendship. And here we are... month 3 of Gun dealing with his waking nightmare reality. He sighed and got up at 4am and rehearsed lines.

On the set of his new movie, Gun was his cheery bubbly self. Apparently there was going to be a cameo from a famous celebrity. Gun was a little bit curious to see who it was.

In comes Tay Tawan. Gun instantly paled at the sight of Off's best friend. Tay being oblivious to Gun's feelings acts as if nothing has changed. "Gun! Long time no see. We need to find some time to hang! I miss my pet." Tay said. Gun smiled at Tay and nodded along to his rambles.

"Here type your number Gun. I lost my old phone so i don't have any old contacts." Tay whined. Gun nodded along. "Tay come to the set now." The director called. "Coming." Tay said leaving.

"Wait Tay!" Gun called for him but he was already gone. Gun sighed and added his number to Tay's phone. He then saw Off's name in the contact list. Gun felt his heart beat faster and was afraid to press the button to see Off's new number. Suddenly a text came through from Off:

Off: Tay! why didn't you RSVP to my wedding. As the best man you're supposed to be a role model! 😡

Gun froze. He didn't know how to feel. This is the first message from Off and it's news of his upcoming wedding that Gun had no knowledge about. Gun was furious.

He knew it was wrong but Gun typed his name in Tay's messages to see what popped up. A series of text came up, mostly from Off.

Off: if Gun asks, tell him I'm at a work event 🤫

Off: I told Gun I'm crashing at your place 😬

Off: If Gun calls, just say you're with me 😬

Off: I finally grew a pair and dumped him. I feel so relieved.

Gun couldn't read anymore. He cleared the search history and left Tays phone to an assistant that was heading to the set.

Gun sped to his dressing room. Once he was inside he released his tears and sobbed quietly in a corner. Gun didn't hear the door opening.

He suddenly felt someone pat his back, Gun looked up to see Mond and continued to cry while Mond continued to comfort him.

Once he calmed down, he told Mond everything. He just listened which Gun appreciated.Thankfully Gun didn't need to go back to the set since he filmed all his scenes earlier.

"Gun, what do you want?" Mond asked. Gun didn't know. He's a petty person, " I want him to regret leaving me." He finally said, " I want him to come begging for my affection again, but I'll deny it because I would have moved on happily." Gun bitterly smiled... as if that could happen.

Mond smiled. "I'm not sure about the moving on part, but you can try doing this new reality tv dating show. Just be your adorable self, broadcast your happiness, and I'm sure he's bound fo see it. I received the proposal for it this morning but had to reject it cause of scheduling conflicts, but this is perfect for you Gun!"

Gun was skeptical about it. "Send the details to my manager and if it works with my schedule I suppose I could give it a try." Gun compromised.

"That's the spirit! Now how about we leave and get dinner. Your treat." Mond said.

"You're an ass." Gun smiles at Monds sneaky attempt of a free meal but went along with it.

So I'm taking suggestions for which guys I should add to the dating show~ let me know in the comments ^-^

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