Mr. Neon Green

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Gun got ready and headed to the Café where he agreed to meet with Tay. For some reason he was so nervous and he didn't know why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Off will be a topic of discussion. Gun shook his nerves away and left.

Gun waited for Tay at a cafe. Tay arrived and he was cheerful as always. "My Pet! It's been so long since we hung out. Tell me what's new in your world." Tay asked as he took a seat next to Gun. Gun wanted to ask about Off, but in case Tay talks to Off, He didn't want Off to think that Gun was curious about him~ so he focused on Tay and told him all the crazy stories he's been through since the break up.

Tay and Gun spent 2 hours just catching up before Tay asked about Gun's new project.

"Oh it's a dating show. I'll be going on dates with 3 different guys." Gun shrugged. Tay's mouth dropped, "so popular is my pet! Do you know who the lucky contenders are?" "Not yet, P. I start shooting this weekend." Gun said. Tay pouted. "That means you won't be free to hang out with me and Off and Arm this weekend." Gun didn't say anything. He didn't know what Tay meant. Does Tay not know Off essentially left Gun. Gun sighed. "Phi, Off and I haven't seen each other since we ended things." Gun chose his words carefully. Tay slapped his mouth."I'm sorry Gun~ it's a habit to invite you to our outings. Speaking of which, are you okay?" Tay asked concerned. Gun nodded, "Phi, if I wasn't okay would I be here hanging out with such a nosey klutz?" Gun teased. Tay laughed. "Ok ok. Then is it cool if I visit you on set?" Gun nodded enthusiastically! "Of course! It'll be better if you're there to calm my nerves."

"I'll be there!" Tay smiled.

The set was buzzing with people everywhere. Assistants running around, directors ordering, staff going to their places. Gun loved it. All the chaos behind the scenes just to create entertainment always fascinated him.

Gun still had no clue who the contestants were. New called him earlier just to say that he couldn't find anything since it was top secret info. So Gun was walking in blind to these dates. Today he will meet up with one of his dates. He is supposed to go meet him at a boxing ring. Gun didn't know what to expect. He's not the sporty type and to have a first date at a boxing ring made him a bit nervous. What if his date was one of those ultra gym bros. The thought made Gun shutter.

"Alright Gun~ go with the chauffeur he'll take you to your destination. We'll roll the camera once you're seated and be you natural self! The production staff will follow silently and we'll do all the magic post production!" The director said giddily. Gun nodded and did as told.


"Sawadeekrap~ this is Gun. I'm an actor under GMMTV and I'm very single." Gun introduced himself and laughed at the end. "I'm on my way to meet my date at the gym~ I'm very nervous." Gun said to the camera while flexing his hands to ease himself.

"Gun do you know who you're meeting?" The chauffeur asked. "No Phi, I tried finding out but it was impossible. I did look on Twitter to see who the fans are wanting but none were confirmed." Gun said.

"Who do you want it to be?" The chauffeur asked again. "Hmm," Gun thought, "Someone handsome!" The chauffeur laughed at Gun's answer and hands him an envelope. Gun opens the envelope:

Welcome Gun!
As our newest single~ we have set you up on a blind date today. He will be wearing neon green shorts so he won't be easy to miss... but his beauty is also unmistakable ;)
Have fun!

Gun read aloud and smiled. Turning towards the camera "I wonder if he's a model, they're usually beautiful with unique features. Am I getting close?" Gun asked to the camera man who remained silent. Looking at the camera, "I wonder if any of our viewers will get it right." Gun teased.

"We're at the desired destination!" The chauffeur said. "Thank you!" Gun said and took his time getting off the car making sure the camera captured all his angles "it's now or never." Gun said toward the camera. He could feel his heart beating really fast. He finally reached the door and went inside to an exclusive gym.

Gun looked around and didn't see much people, he's pretty sure they rented the place out and put in some extras. He began searching for Mr. Neon Green. After a couple of minutes Gun found him. At least his backside.

He smiled at the camera and whispered "There he is!" Gun sneakily approached him from behind with the full intention of scaring him! As he was about to make a move, he suddenly turned around which startled Gun and made him lose his balance. Strong arms held on to him and he finally caught a good glimpse and felt a blush come on. "Whoa there, you okay." He asked in a caring way. Gun stood up and nodded, "I am~ thanks for the save." Gun said abashedly.
"Don't mention it." He gave a kind smile. Gun smiled and punched him lightly, "you could have told me you were my date." Gun said beaming, really glad he was with someone he was familiar with and not a gym buff.

"I was going to say something but I didn't want to ruin the surprise! Besides, it's more fun this way." He said while arching his eyebrow.
"I'll get my revenge Luke." Gun said with his same intensity. Luke leaned in, "I'm looking forward to it."

A/N I saw SafeHouse and liked them together. ^-^

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