Killer Hugs

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Tay sent Off to voicemail.

"I forgot I had plans with the boys. I'll probably get an earful for being late." Tay laughed. "Don't worry about it Phi, I'll drive myself since I have a commercial to shoot after the reality show." Gun told Tay his schedule. Tay nodded. "I'm headed out now, call me if you need anything Nong." Tay got up and left. Once Tay left, Gun kept thinking about the moment he just had with Tay. Gun shook his head to stop thinking about it, after all Tay is a beloved Phi. Gun distracted himself by getting ready to leave.
As he entered the restaurant he looked around but did not recognize anyone. The director told Gun to pick an open seat and when his date arrives, he will find him. Gun nodded and chose a table with a good view for the cameramen.

Strong hands covered his eyes. "Miss me." A dark and sexy voice whispered. The hands were released and Gun was able to turn around and see who it was. "Joss?"

"What are you doing here?" Gun asked after getting over his initial shock. "I owe you one." Joss winked. Gun was confused but figured Joss would tell him on break what was going on. "You didn't answer me. Did you miss me?" Joss smirked. Gun rolled his eyes, "your body maybe." Shit. Gun accidentally said it out loud on camera. Joss ended up saving the spill by laughing, "I know I know, I give killer hugs." He grinned. Gun and Joss talked about their projects and gossiped about mutual friends. Very much a friend date and Gun wasn't complaining. Finally the director called for a break and Gun raised his eyebrow. Joss just smirked. "You going to explain or do I need to leave?" Gun threatened. "No need. I'll tell you anything you want babe." Joss leaned closer. "Thank you." He said.

Gun let out a small smile. "I take it he confessed." Joss eagerly nodded. "He heard Oab dropped out last minute like I did and I figured I should see you again." Joss said. Gun wasn't buying it, "Luke forced you to save the day, didn't he."Gun deduced. Joss laughed sheepishly which confirmed Gun's intuition. "So the player has been cuffed. I'm happy for you both." Gun congratulated Joss. "Since I'm here to save the day, let's have fun like we used to... minus the physical benefit." Joss teased. Gun smiled and agreed. After the shoot ended Gun was about to head to his next event when he heard it got cancelled because of the rain. He ended up going with Joss to an arcade bar since he now had free time. They played a couple of rounds of dance dance revolution. Gun laughed at Joss' inability to keep up. Following that they headed to the bar for a couple of drinks.

"Here's your mojito." Joss handed Gun his drink. "Thanks." Gun smiled showing off his dimples. His best feature if you ask him.
Suddenly Gun heard a voice from the back of the bar. He didn't want to turn around cause he recognized his voice. "Oi Joss! You're here, come on over." Another voice said. Joss glanced at Gun. "Hey, I'm here. If you want we can just greet them and leave." Joss said softly. Gun nodded and held tightly onto Joss' sleeve trying to keep himself hidden. All of a sudden they were in front of the table. Gun dared to look up.

At the table: Tay, Arm, Alice, Mike, and of course Off. Everyone kept their gaze on Gun. He could feel himself getting red from all the attention. Gun immediately wai'd to everyone at the table. "Sawadee everyone." Gun willed himself to sound confident. He put on his best smile and kept his focus on everyone else but Off.

His heart was beating like crazy. Gun managed to snag a quick glance at Off from the corner of his eye. His face was expressionless and it frustrated Gun. They hadn't seen each other in months and this man was way too nonchalant. Clearly Gun was the one that loved too much. "Hey everyone! We can't stay long. Gun and I have to finish our date." Joss interrupted Gun's thoughts. He looked at Joss who had a wide grin, "If you'll excuse us, we need to head out now." Joss finished while holding onto Gun's hand. Gun waved bye with his free hand to the whole table without really looking at them. When Gun reached a safe distance he finally spoke, "What the hell Joss. You didn't have to say it like that." Gun nagged. "Only you and I know the truth babe. Let them think whatever." Joss shrugged as he quickened his pace to the exit. "Wait for me you tall monster!" Gun hurried to catch up with Joss, wanting to get as far away as possible from the area. As Gun quickly chased after Joss, he didn't notice the dark expressions radiating from the table.

A/N: I'm curious to see what you all think will happen next 😏

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