A TayGun Ending

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"...bastard." Off said in a deadly tone. Tay was absolutely terrified of losing his best friend but he had faith in his love for Gun. So much so that he had to swallow his pride.

For those that know Off, know he hates touch. But what they didn't know is that if he truly cared for you, he'll calm down the moment he feels their touch. Tay extended his hand and touched Off's shoulder.

He saw the confusion in Off's brows at Tay's action. And then Off exhaled.

"Look me in the eyes." Tay ordered softly. And with everything he could muster, he brought his feelings to his eyes. The panic, the confusion, the fear, and the determination. "I... love him too." Tay's voice cracked as a tear slid.

Off was quiet. Tay didn't know what his best friend was thinking, but he hoped he could feel just how desperate Tay was.

Off pushed Tay slightly. He looked up and sighed. "Let me have Gun tonight. I need to talk to him." Off said while looking away intently. Tay followed his gaze and saw Gun.

Tay was nervous. He and Gun were new and Off holds history over him... Tay sighed and nodded. He watched as Off whispered in Gun's ear and whisked him away from Tay's sight.

Gun followed Off to the back patio of the pub where the welcome party was held. Gun didn't know what to expect. Off took Gun to a secluded area... it was just the two of them. "Hey shorty." Off meekly smiled. Gun immediately felt a blush come. Off chuckled and patted his head just like old times. Gun didn't know what to feel. He knows he loves Off, but his feelings for Tay were still there. Gun knitted his brows in confusion in trying to sort out his feelings. "Don't stress yourself out, just listen to what I have to say." Off said looking intently into Gun's eyes. Gun could feel Off's love for him with just a stare. He could feel his heart skip a beat with each passing moment that Off just stared at him.

"Damn it Gun." Off cursed and looked away. "I can't be selfish with you." Off whispered.

Gun reached out towards Off's hand and watched as Off calmed down enough to continue their conversation. "Selfish Papii?" Gun asked, accidentally letting Off's nickname slip. Off smirked

"Phi, why are you doing this to me? Confusing me." Gun asked. Off finally sighed, "I wanted to tell you to wait for me, while I sort myself and finish all my projects, I wanted you to be mine."

"Past tense?" Gun asked a bit concerned at what Off will say next.

"Then I saw you and," Off began to caress Gun's face, "I can't let you wait... the projects I'm doing are overseas. I'm booked and busy for a while and I do not know when I'll be able to return to your life... our relationship... it wasn't working. Our conflicting schedules was always a huge factor. Then came our trust issues and my jealous nature." Off continued.

Gun nodded slowly, understanding what Off meant. "Tay is a good man. Please don't hurt him." Off pleaded. Gun smiled weakly while tears dripped down, "Do you hate me phi?"

"I could never. I very much intend to be your last love." Off mischievously winked. Gun shook his head no, "We'll make it work." Gun beamed and kissed Off on the cheek. "Go to him, little mouse. My best friend is probably super anxious right now." Off chuckled. Gun speeded away towards Tay as Off watched sadly.

Gun suddenly appeared by Tay and was hugging him tightly. "What's going on Gun?" That only made Gun hug him tighter. "He gave us his blessing, Tay. I'm happy!"

Tay felt an immense relief. He reciprocated Gun's embrace and beamed with joy. He held onto Gun tightly, with no intention of ever letting him go.

2 years later:

Gun was feeling giddy. It was his 2 year anniversary with his favorite human. He never would have thought that a friendship as strong as theirs would turn into such a strong love. Sure there were ups and downs. They weren't perfect, no couple is, but they were pretty darn close.

Gun was at the mall picking up his anniversary gift for Tay. He smiled at all the advertisements and life size photo pop ups of Off that he came across. Off's projects have boosted his popularity at an international level and he is constantly traveling, promoting, and filming. Last Gun heard, Off was casted as one of the leads in a Korean film.

It's not that Off and Gun stopped communicating, but since Off is always so busy, he doesn't always reply at convenient times. Tay never minded that Off didn't communicate with him as much. Mainly because he is always happy for Off when he receives projects. "When he returns, we'll pick up right where we left off. Our friendship is solid." Tay said to Gun one day.

Gun smiled at the cashier as he paid, ready to see Tay.

Tay couldn't stop smiling. His cute boyfriend planned the whole anniversary date as a surprise. Tay had plans to treat Gun out, but Gun cancelled every reservation Tay made and replaced them with his own. First they went to Tay's favorite restaurant which is nothing compared to the pricey restaurant Tay wanted to take Gun to. It was followed by ice skating which Gun really wanted to do, but Tay failed miserably and fell down too many times. Gun just laughed at him and eventually helped him around the rink. Now they were sitting on a blanket and looking up at the stars with their hands intertwined with each other.

"Phi~ I'm really glad to have met you. I hope I made tonight memorable." Gun said. Tay nodded enthusiastically, "Definitely a core memory." Tay smiled. He pulled out a small box and handed it to Gun,"Happy Anniversary Pet."

Gun stared at the box before eagerly opening it. Revealing two matching silver promise rings. Gun eagerly held his hand out. Tay chuckled and put on one of the silver rings on Gun's finger.  "No fair phi, all I got you was a watch." Gun started to pout but quickly smiled again and grabbed Tay's hand to place the ring on him.

"Oy Phi~ is there a reason you wanted to do matching couple rings? That's kind of cliche." Gun teased.

"Hey now, having matching couple items is just one of the perks of dating." Tay defended himself.

"Kissing is another perk." Gun winked and enjoyed seeing Tay blush. "Let's head back to your place and make this night even more memorable." Gun suggested and started to pack up to leave.

Tay chuckled. He really is a lucky man. Tonight, they'll definitely have a memorable anniversary night. 😉

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