The Possessive Man

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Off's POV:

"He's the one guys! I'll propose to him." Off smiled wildly while telling his 91 line friends.

Both Arm and Tay were surprised. "Haven't you two been fighting lately?" Arm asked. "Yeah, but I love him so much." Off rolled his eyes annoyed by his friends' reactions.

"Well I'm happy for you peng! It's really inspiring to others." Tay commented. Off raised his eyebrow, "How so?"

"Oh. Well most successful couples usually have a break and during the break they come to the realization that they can't live without one another, so their relationship becomes stronger!" Tay continued, "but you came to that realization without ever having to break up!" Off furrowed his brow.

"Ignore Tay. Off I think you should really think this through. The other day you and Gun were in a screaming match because he wished Oab a happy birthday on social media. I think this is your way of showing possessiveness towards him." Arm advised.

"Arm is onto something Off. Maybe a break is needed. But more so for you. Do you really want to be with Gun because of love or because he's yours?" Tay voiced. Off pouted but understood what his friends were saying.

The fighting got worse. Off didn't know how to react when Gun said he was feeling suffocated. Maybe a break is exactly what they needed. He went out drinking with his friends and when he came back, the constant fighting triggered his response. Off left.

When he left the house he texted Tay and immediately went over to his place. He needed to drink the night away.

To Tay: I finally grew a pair and dumped him

Hope he doesn't hate me too much. Instead of a month it might be more like a 2 week break.

Tay greeted Off with alcohol. Off and Tay drank all night and Off feeling mischievous pushed Tay in the pool. Not anticipating that Tay will avenge himself and pull Off in with him. "Shit my phone!" Off scrambled out of the water and tried to save his cell. No use. "Looks like my phone is dead too." Tay sighed, " this is why we can't have nice things Off." Tay teased. Off pondered, "maybe it's for the best. I really need this break." Off whispered to himself.


Off buried himself with work. His new phone finally came in after 3 weeks. He eagerly opened it up and was about to message his person but had to stop himself. He should at least give Gun some more time to cool off. Off knew just how long Gun can hold a grudge. And facing Gun right now was not an option, especially since Off had so much work to do and won't have time to properly compensate for lost time.

At the set, he started hearing the makeup artists gossip. Off didn't care much for the rumors, but he heard Gun's name and he became more attentive.

"I heard he's been sleeping around with any guy that's interested. How can he be so shameless."

"That's not what I heard, I hear he's in a relationship with that hottie Joss. Everyone knows it's true."

Off's mood immediately soured. He suddenly reached for his phone and searched Gun on the internet. Sure enough, Gun has been filmed countless times leaving bars with random men. Off gritted his teeth. He kept scrolling and reading anything related to Gun's name. Off saw that JossGun was trending and that broke his heart a little.  "Please don't let it be true." Off immediately called Gun.

"Hello?" Off froze, this person was not Gun.

Off deepened his voice, "Is this not Gun's number?" Off prayed Gun changed his number and this guy was the owner of the number.

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