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"And that's a WRAP!" The director yelled. Every member packed up their equipment as Gun stayed behind waiting for his manager. Luke approached him, "Really sorry about not telling you Phi." Gun just nodded as he understood the nuances of keeping secrets.

Although he wasn't too happy at Luke. After the teasing, Luke actually challenged him to see who could do the most reps at each of the workout machines. Gun got overly competitive and was now bitter at the fact that Luke beat him by a couple more points.  Just thinking about it made him pout. Luke laughed and that caused Gun to break his train of thought. He looked at Luke expectantly, not knowing what was funny. "As an apology for making you sweat, how about I buy you 2 new shirts." Luke offered while holding up 2 fingers. Immediately Gun's mood changed. His eyes sparkled and he grinned widely, "I mean that's the least you could do! Come on!" Gun said while pulling Luke out the door. Luke just chuckled and followed.

Gun was super giddy at the thought of owning 2 brand name new shirts and not spending a dime on it! It's been so long... Gun's mood quickly deflated. Even though he's trying his best to get over that good for nothing jerk, Gun felt a tinge of sadness. Off used to buy him all the new clothes Gun wanted. He was Gun's wallet and never complained about it, in fact, he'd always insist on buying everything for him. Gun looked out the window trying to focus on anything else but his thoughts. He suddenly noticed Luke take a different route. "Luke, this isn't the way to the mall." Gun asked curious as to where Luke was going. Luke smiled, " I didn't say I'd buy them at the mall." He said. Gun just kept looking out the window trying to guess where they were heading. Finally they stopped at an old thrift store named PPG. Gun was curious as he doesn't usually like thrift stores. It was always stuffy and made Gun feel somewhat claustrophobic. "I promise Gun, you'll like this place." Luke reassured Gun. Gun nodded and followed Luke's lead.

Gun entered PPG and was not expecting it to be a fabric store. Luke nodded at the store employee and pointed towards the back. Luke held  onto Gun's hand and walked him over to the back of the store. There was a room that, when lit up, revealed several shirt styles and prints laid out over the tables. " What is this Luke?" Gun said smiling. Luke answered, "We're creating the shirts. Just choose whatever you want and I'll make it for you." Gun approved. "What about the second shirt you owe me?" Gun asked. Luke smiled mischievously, "I already have it in the trunk of my car. I'll give it to you when we finish this up." Gun smiled and started looking over all the tables before deciding on adding to his nightshirt collection. Especially since Off always made fun of Gun for never changing out of his favorite white tee. Gun chose a nice pink oversized tee and requested Luke to add 'Too Cute' as a logo. Luke obliged and Gun watched as Luke printed the logo on the shirt and also included a crown in the font. Gun loved the final product. He was definitely going to wear it to bed tonight! The material was so soft that Gun didn't want to stop touching it.

Gun was excited and to express his gratitude, he offered to make a shirt for Luke. Luke nodded and asked Gun to make him an exercise tank top with a picture of a tank on it. Gun rolled his eyes at the pun Luke made. Gun followed all the steps he observed. When it came to printing he struggled. Luke was behind him. Gently leading Gun with his hands. Gun felt a blush come at the proximity. He snapped out of it and focused on pressing the tee. Satisfied with the outcome, he proudly handed the shirt to Luke. "Thank you, I'll cherish this tank top." He said with a cheesy smile. Gun just rolled his eyes but appreciated it.

Once Gun was in the car, Luke opened the trunk and brought out a present. Gun loves presents. He immediately opened it to reveal two black shirts. One said 'The Boss' and the other one said 'The REAL Boss'. It took Gun a minute to realize it was a couple tee! He looked at Luke with confusion. "It's for us to wear tomorrow during the shooting. I figure you would wear this since it's a chic color. Gun smiled, "As long as I'm the REAL boss I'm happy with it. Thank you Luke!"

On the drive back, Gun was really curious about something. "Luke... why did you join this show?" Luke sighed before he explained, "To be honest, I wasn't supposed to be in this show... someone else was going to participate, but when they found out you were going to be the partner, he begged me to take his place." Gun was digesting this information, he was also curious as to who it was that did not want to meet him, "Am I that bad of a partner?" Gun questioned.  "Of course not! It's just that you guys share a questionable history, so he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Luke continued explaining to a very confused Gun. "Just say who it was, Luke." Gun pleaded. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I'm doing this because I want to be honest with you. It was Joss." Luke finished.

"Ah." was all Gun could manage to say. He and Joss did share a history. Since Off dumped him, Gun hooked up with the guy Off couldn't stand at the time and that was Joss. He and Joss both made an agreement to just keep it strictly casual. However Joss distanced himself from Gun out of the blue saying that he wanted to continue his player ways and if he stayed with Gun any longer, he'd catch feelings. Gun was hurt that Joss never even considered going into a relationship with Gun, but he understood. After all, Joss was a rebound. "It's probably for the best." Gun finally said to reassure Luke that everything was okay. Luke continued driving. Once they arrived, Gun jumped off and thanked Luke for the ride. "Don't worry about it, Gun. I'll see you on our third date tomorrow!" Luke said. Gun looked at him confused, "Isn't tomorrow date #2?" "Nope. We went on our second date just now. We'll have our third one tomorrow. Don't forget to wear the couple tee I gave you." Luke winked before driving off leaving Gun in disbelief at what he said.

He finally snapped out of it and went inside his home. His sister was staying over at a friend's place and his parents and brother were on vacation. Gun hated feeling lonely. He then opened his phone and saw it blown up with missed calls. His manager called him more than 20 times! Shit, he forgot to tell his manager he was going out with Luke instead. Gun mentally facepalmed. He called his manager and apologized profusely to her. He was just excited and completely forgot. Eventually she calmed down after lecturing Gun's ear off and reminded Gun about his set time for tomorrow. Gun again apologized before hanging up. He kept scrolling through the notifications and started to see the #LukeGun trending. Gun looked at the trend to see what people were saying.

Thankfully the pictures captured were the ones from the gym and not the PPG date. Gun smiled slightly about the second "date." He pulled out the pink shirt that Luke made for him and put it on. It was so soft and this pink was definitely his color. Gun snapped a pic of himself in the new nightshirt and posted it. Caption: Please Pick Gun 👀 *

Satisfied, Gun went to bed.

PPG is short for PowerPuff Girls lol
*it's a hidden message: PPG, Look (Luke)

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