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"Shouldn't you say something? You're the one that wanted to talk." Gun said sarcastically. Off was about to say what he had on his mind, but Arm was outside of the glass, continuously knocking on the window. Off got up and unlocked the door to the meeting room. "Sorry friend, but this is an emergency." Arm said. He turned to Gun, "We have to go to the studio, the commercial shoot from last week was rescheduled to this afternoon." Arm explained. Gun nodded and left with Arm to the studio, leaving behind Off.

On the drive to the studio, Gun kept fiddling with the radio. Ultimately he decided to turn it off. Arm took advantage and talked to Gun to fill up the silence. "How's Fated to Date filming going? I heard you had pretty great dates." Arm asked. "It's alright I guess, although Date guy #1 and Date guy #2 are dating each other so I don't think they'll join me in We Got Married." Gun joked. Arm laughed. "Man, I guess the first two were fated to date." Arm smiled broadly, proud of his pun. Gun mimicked a puking gesture. "Hey now, that pun was golden!" Arm defended himself. "Whatever." Gun smiled. After a minute, Arm proceeded to continue chatting, "By the way, you're joining We Got Married, right?" Gun nodded. "Off is doing that program too! Me and Tay were his groomsmen to the virtual wedding. It was loads of fun to film!" Arm shared. Gun's smile disappeared. His mind started racing. All this time, he thought Off found someone else to build a life together. In reality it was for this show. Gun got dangerously close to feeling something he hadn't in awhile: hope.

Gun pinch his thighs. He had to remind himself that it didn't matter if Off got married or not. Off didn't love him anymore and that was the reason why Off never returned to Gun. Not once in 3 months did Off call Gun or seek him out besides earlier today. Gun tuned back in to what Arm was saying, "Nong Milk is a funny girl. She's currently dating a K-pop idol, so to get Dispatch off her back, she's doing the program." Arm explained. "Is that so?" Gun said nonchalantly, pretending to have heard Arm. "Exactly! Oh we're here~ come on Gunnie. We need to get you fitted." Arm said. Gun nodded and followed his direction.

Gun had several conflicting emotions. He didn't know what to think. He put that all aside and focused on being present for the commercial shoot.

After the shoot, Gun waited for Arm outside. A sleek black car pulls up. The window rolled down revealing Off. "Get in. I'm driving you back." Off ordered. Gun looked back to see if Arm was coming too. "Arm knows. Get in while I'm still asking nicely." Off said annoyed. Gun opened the back door. "I swear to god, sit up in front Gun." Off said in a dangerous tone. Gun quietly followed Off's order. Gun remained quiet and put on his seat belt and stared ahead. Not wanting to look at Off at all. After riding in silence for a long while, Off pulled off to the side of the road. Gun estimated it was about 2 miles before he reached his house if he needed to walk.

"Dammit Gun!" Off hit the steering wheel, "I said we needed a break. Not that we needed to break up. And what do you do?!" Off turned to Gun with tears brimming his eyes. Gun swallowed the hard lump in his throat. "I placed my trust in you, Gun. You ruined it. I TRUSTED YOU TO WAIT!" Off raised his voice. Gun remained quiet knowing full well where Off was going to go with this conversation. "That night, I went over to Tay's and we decided to go swimming. He pushed me in the pool and I pulled him in. Both our phones got wet, so we had to get new ones. My original intention was to just give us a month break." Off started explaining. Gun started to feel worse. "When I got my new phone, what's the first thing I see, Gun?" Off asked. "I see photos of you and Joss." Off's voice cracked. Gun's tears started flowing freely as he listened to Off. I saw all the freaking pictures Gun! As always, you never considered me." Off said dryly. "Then you go on a spree?! I don't recognize you." Off harshly looked at Gun. Gun was at a loss of words. He couldn't retort Off's words because he was right. "Say something! Explain! Anything!" Off pleaded. Gun looked up and mustered all of his acting expertise. He looked at Off straight in the eye.

"Yes I'm selfish." Gun started. "You hurt me Off. So I decided to hurt you in the worst way I knew how. You made me this person in a way." Gun explained calmly. Off stared at him in disbelief. "You can't blame me, Gun. You asked me to trust you, and this happened. If you truly loved me, you would have waited." Off said sadly. "What now, Off? We both hurt each other." Off contemplated in silence. Gun just stared at him with a bated breath. "We break-up. I hurt you. I can't trust you. We're done." Off whispered. Gun willed his tears to not fall. "You don't need to drive me home. I'll walk." Gun got out of the car and started walking. A part of him hoping Off would still follow him home. When Gun turned around, Off was driving the opposite way. It was then that Gun let his tears go. All the revelations of the day made Gun's heart heavy and he sobbed louder.

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