Chapter 1

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I sat at the back of the class and twirled my pen around my fingers. I hated biology with a vengeance.

The only reason I didn't skip this class was because of my lab partner Tommy. He was so beautiful. He was tall and athletic and he had brown hair swept to the left side, bright blue eyes and glasses. Oh god the glasses, so freaking cute.

"Poppy Miller! Please can you pay attention!" Shouted the teacher.

I nodded and turned to my jotter and pretended to write down what was on the board.

I pretended to squint at the board whilst looking sideways to Tommy.

He bell rang making me jump and I grabbed my stuff and shoved it in my bag, eager to get to the shops early and beat the queues.

I lifted my bag off the desk and the strap snapped, spilling the contents all over the floor.
I cursed and struggled to pick it all up.

A shadow fell over my face and I looked up to see Tommy standing above me.

"Need a hand?" He asked, smiling.

"I... Uhh... Yeah. Yes please." I stuttered.

He passed me the last of papers I dropped and asked "Want to go and grab some McDonalds?"

"Yeah, that would be fun." I blushed and he smiled as we walked out of the classroom.

I knew that it was a 15 minute walk to McDonald's, and we would probably be late back from lunch but I didn't care, I was on cloud nine.

"So," he began. "You're the girl from drama club?"

"Yeah, we're doing Les Mis and I'm Eponine." I smiled. He did know who I was!

"You can really sing. I saw you in the Panto at Christmas." He said.

I blushed, I didn't usually like people complementing my voice but I loved that he liked my singing.

"You dance too don't you?" He asked.

I nodded. "I do ballet and tap."

"That's so cute." He said and I blushed again.

We arrived at McDonald's and chatted for about an hour, when I checked my phone I realised we were very late.

"Oh god, Tommy! We're really late!" I gasped.

"So what?" He smirked and put his hand over mine.

I suddenly didn't care at all about punctuality, school, qualifications or anything. I only cared about the way he looked into my eyes and held my hand.

Then the best thing happened, he kissed me. Softly, like I was made of china and he was scared of breaking me.

He pulled away and I giggled. "Let's get an ice cream and go for a walk." He said.


Obviously you guys probs know the song and you know how this will end but it's still fun to write about :)
Hope you liked the first chapter, stay tuned for more.

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