Chapter 8

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(Kat your fangirl is showing plz stop.)

I know I moan every time there is an app update so I'll spare you. Just know that I hate it. As usual.

Anyway, enjoy ☺️💕


Mum came up to my room after about an hour.

"I'm sorry," she said and I was confused. She was sorry..? It was me that did wrong.

"I didn't mean to get upset at you. I just get so worried when you don't call me." She said.

"Oh mum I'm sorry too. I should have checked my phone regularly." I said and hugged her.

"Okay, just be more responsible next time." She smiled and went to make dinner.

I messaged Tommy and told him all that had happened.

"You got off really easily!" He said. He was right, it was surprising. Mum was in a good mood for once.

I went down for dinner and sat down at the table. Caleb smiled at me.

"What's up with you?" I said, taking a slice of pizza.

"Nothing." He said, with a stupid smile on his face. "Can I not smile at my wonderful sister?"

I turned to my dad. "What's up with him?" I asked.

"Nothing, why can't you be happy that you're getting on?" Dad said. I shrugged and ignored him. Caleb's probably just annoying me. As usual.

I gave up on my family a few years ago. I accepted that we would never get along, I'm totally one with it. I don't need them, I have Tommy now. He'll always be there for me, no matter what.

After tea I went to the studio for the first time in a while.

There was something amazingly freeing about just putting on a song and just letting the music take over.

I heard clapping behind me and turned around. It was Sam McIntyre. Urgh, the freak in the year above me.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Nothing, I'm here to practice. The same as you I'm guessing." He said, smiling. Oh his smile was beautiful, although not a patch on Tommy's.

"Well I'm just leaving so you can stop staring." I said, glaring at him.

"What?" He said defensively. "You look good in a leotard."

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the door. Tommy was right. I shouldn't wear stuff like this, some guys get the wrong idea.


Thanks for reading! ☺️💕

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