Chapter 6

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I'm officially on study leave so I'm like "Yay, I'm free!" But also "Shit I need to revise." I'm kind of in the middle right now...

Anyway, hope you like this next part :)


I woke up, not remembering much from the night before. I had a splitting headache, I was lying next to Tommy and I was soaking wet.

I shook Tommy awake. "Morning beautiful." I said as he opened his eyes.

He laughed, "You and I both know that the most beautiful person in this bed right now is you." I blushed and kissed him.

We walked downstairs and saw that most people had left. Michael, Tara and Emily were tidying up in the living room.

"Hi guys," Emily smiled at us. "I didn't know whether to knock on your door or not, I... er... I didn't now if you guys were... busy..." she said awkwardly.

I blushed. "No, no its fine. We weren't..." Tommy snickered.

"You don't need to explain yourselves, I'm not your mum." she smiled and walked away.

I walked out and heard Tommy say "See you guys later," before following me out of Michael's house and down the road.

"Lets go back to mine." said Tommy.

I looked down at our soaking wet clothes. "Can I borrow a shirt or something?"

"Oh, yeah." he laughed, realising that we were both still soaking.

We were walking down the road when I started to shiver.

Tommy sighed. "I'll call a taxi."

So we got a taxi to Tommy's house. The driver gave us funny looks the whole way there.

When we got in, Tommy gave me a pair of his mums joggers ("She wont mind." he said.") and one of his tops, an old one that he got from Sea World a few years ago. It was slightly small for him but it came to my knees.

I lounged on his bed, messing about on his MacBook.

"You're so lucky" I said, as I took stupid pictures on photobooth.

"What do you mean?" He asked while laughing at my photos.

"My mum would never buy me a MacBook. I've got a crappy Sony Vaio." I said.

"What about your birthday? Or Christmas?" He asked.

"Nah, and if she did get one, she'd make me share it with Caleb." I pouted.

"Man, it must really suck to have a brother. I'd hate it." He said and I nodded.

"I promise that as soon as we leave school, we'll live together, and we'll have a pug, and I'll buy you as many MacBooks as you want." He said, holding me close.

I laughed and he said, "No, I'm serious! All I want is for you to be happy." And he kissed me.


Just a quick update, hope you liked it! :3

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