Chapter 469

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Matt's POV: After having a bunch of fun with Gabby (again) in bed, I sighed as I went to grab the lawsuit and then went to sit in the living room in my boxers. I knew this was not proper attire but...I had to just read over this. This was crazy that someone else thought that they were my twin's father! Speaking of twins, I had Hannah sleeping on my chest while I had a blanket over me. Meanwhile, Louie was cuddled up to me and sleeping on my chest too. God, this was the life. I just hoped that this life wouldn't be ripped away from me. That's when I heard Jay.

Coming down, he smiled at us. "Well, if that isn't the most adorable sight?" I went to look up at him and sighed. "Can you sit down...I need to talk to somebody other than Gabby? And just an FYI, I am just wearing my boxers. Gabby and me..." He agreed and understood what I was talking about. He then went to sit down next to me and could tell something was wrong. "What's up man?" I then sighed and went to point at the envelope. "Can you look at that?" He agreed and nodded before going to grab it for me. Starting to read it, he was shocked. "What the hell?"

I nodded when he said that. "I know right, ridiculous that somebody would even think that they are my twins' father!" Jay agreed with me when I said that. "First, do you believe this at all?" I shook my head. "No...because she looks just like me. And twins run in my family. Remember, I was a twin!" Jay nodded when I said that and sighed. "Honestly man, can I just say that this guy is a prick and a jerk for even doing this to you?"  I nodded when he said that. "Agreed man. I mean seriously...even if he was the father, he raped Gabby! We were committed to each other."

That's when I heard Gabby come out in her robe. "I think the word you are looking for is that we ARE committed to each other. If you want, we can contact a lawyer and we can do all communications through him. I do not want to speak to this guy." I nodded and agreed with her. Jay then looked up at her. "Gabby, I am so sorry you are going through this. You really shouldn't have to go through this. Not when you lost one of the triplets." Gabby sighed and nodded when Jay said that. "Sorry, I know...touchy subject. I just thought it might still be hard."

Sitting up, I saw Gabby sit down next to me with Gabriel in her arms. Moving her legs into mine, I went to put my hand on her leg before looking into her robe. Seeing she wasn't wearing a bra, I smirked as I went to kiss her softly and then grabbed a blanket to cover us up. "God, I love you so much." Kissing her again, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her as we held all of our kids close to us. That's when we heard Erin come downstairs. "Awh, that's a beautiful site. The family all cuddled up to each other. What are you looking at Jay?" Jay then sighed and looked at us.

"You already know, so you might as well show her what it is too." Jay smiled and agreed with us before going to show her what it is. Reading it, Erin went to sit down next to Jay and was just shocked. "Does Antonio or your sister know about this?" Gabby sighed and shook her head. "I just told Matt a little while ago. I was scared and didn't want to tell anybody else before knowing whether my marriage was going to survive this." I looked at Gabby when she said that and then went to push her head up. "You never have to worry about that. I am yours forever."

Gabby smiled when I said that before laying her head down on my chest. That's when I saw that Gabriel was actually feeding off Gabby and I just loved the sight. "I swear thing I have to recommend you do when Erin has the babies...when she feeds them, you need to watch her do it once. It is an amazing sight that I am never going to miss watching. It is just remarkable what a mother's body can do. They can provide their babies' food for a long time and it's really great to watch her feed Gabriel and Hannah that way." 

Erin then looked at us after reading the lawsuit. "You guys are good. This lawsuit is junk. He filed it in the 3rd Judicial District of Illinois. We are located in the 1st Judicial District of Illinois. And all of his evidence is inadmissible in court because it's hearsay. Oh and it's a junk lawsuit! I have seen you guys, you have had your hands all over each other from before you left until you came back. Matt, Hannah and Gabriel are your kids. Don't even worry about this. I am going to talk to H..." That's when Erin realized something. "Excuse me."

Dropping the lawsuit in our laps, Erin then went to run away. Meanwhile, Jay just sighed. "Listen, you just don't worry about this. Call Antonio, tell him to take care of it. Meanwhile, I am going to go talk to Erin and see if she's okay?" Me and Gabby both nodded when he said that, watching him walk away to go be with Erin. Looking at Gabby as I wrapped my arm around her, I went to kiss her head and smiled. "Just to let you know, I never doubted my relationship with our twins one bit." Gabby cuddled up to me more and then tugged the blanket up. "Promise?"

Going to move the lawsuit to the side, I nodded and smiled when she asked me that. "I promise because I am their father. And even if I wasn't genetically related to them...I love their mother and I love them. Remind me of our motto?" Gabby laughed when I said that. "Love is stronger than blood." I nodded and agreed with her before going to grab the TV remote to turn a TV show on for Louie. Once that was done, I went to kiss Gabby and smiled as I put my hand on Hannah's back. Holding my entire family close, I smiled as me and Gabby just concentrated on each other for a bit after getting past this hurdle. And honestly, all I could think now was how good of a  kisser my girl is!

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