Date Night Part 3

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Matt's POV - Part 1:
After making out way to the hotel together, I smiled as I went to park the van in one of the spots. Looking at it, I smiled because the place looked amazing. "I think we made the right choice as to where Jay and Erin sent us." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. Walking around the van, I went to open the door and then went to help her out. "Why thank you." I smiled as I went to bring her close to me. Kissing her softly, I smiled as we took it slow with each other. "Tonight, I want you to just concentrate on us okay? The kids are okay and you have more than enough milk. Tonight, the only people we are going to think about are each other...,and how much we love each other." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded, loving that idea. "Yes please."

Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled as we just held each other close. That's when I went to look into her eyes, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You look stunning tonight, you know that right?" Gabby then smirked. "Just wait until you see what I am wearing underneath here." I stared at her when she said that. "What?" Gabby then smiled. "Grab the bags and then we can go inside. We'll order the food while we check in so that it can come before we head into bed." Gabby then went to walk away while I opened the back door and grabbed our bags, still shocked at the comment she made about what she is wearing underneath. "Babe, hold up!" Grabbing the bags, I went to close the door to our van before running after her. "Hey, come back here!"

Gabby then smiled as she turned around to look at me. Walking up to her, I went to wrap my arm around her and looked at her. "You are really going to tease me like that aren't you." Gabby nodded and smiled when I asked her that. "Yes, until we talk about what you said on our way here babe. I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to feel that way. Now, we are not going talk about it here...we are going to do it when we are upstairs okay?" I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Of course, that makes perfect sense." Gabby then smiled as she went to grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. "Now about what I said about you liking what is under here...I mean it, you are going to love what is under here." I laughed and agreed. Walking towards the doors together, I smiled when I saw the lobby. 

"Dang, this place is gorgeous." Gabby agreed with me when the bellhop stopped us. "Please put your masks on before you proceed to check in." We then both nodded when he said that. "I am so sorry about that. Can you maybe tell us about any other COVID protocols we should be aware of?" The bellhop nodded. "Meals will be served in your room, the restaurant is closed. There will only be new towels and new bedsheets when you are out of the room and you are to wear your mask whenever you come into contact with the staff. You are subject to a fine effective immediately if you are caught in the hotel's public areas without a mask. Multiple infractions, you're kicked out. But have a great look like you are newlyweds." 

We nodded and agreed. "3 1/2 years. It'll be 4 this December." He smiled when I said that before watching as we left to go into the lobby so we could check in. "Can you believe it'll already be 4 this December?" Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded. "Considering we have been together almost 6 years...not really." I then thought about that and agreed with her, smiling. "Best 6 years of my life." Gabby smiled and agreed with me while we walked up to the front desk. "Hi, reservation for 2 under Casey." The receptionist then went to check for us and shook her head. "None here." I then sighed and went to give them another name. "Halstead, Jay?" She then looked at me. "We had a bet. We did a competition. Looser had to babysit. We won."

The receptionist agreed. "Of course, just give me a moment sir."

General POV:
After hearing the story from Matt, the receptionist went to call Jay so that she could confirm Matt's story. Luckily for her, he answered right away. "Hi, may I speak with Mr. Jay Halstead?" Jay then went to speak to her. "Speaking." She then went to clear up the situation. "Hi, this is the The Grand Hotel and Spa in Hammond, Indiana. Someone is trying to check in with the name Matthew Casey. Says you lost a bet and...." Jay then went to laugh and agreed. "Yes, we lost a bet. I am babysitting his 3 kids and they are staying there." The receptionist laughed and agreed. "Thank you for your help. Have a nice night. Oh, how are the kids? Mrs. Casey just asked." Jay then agreed. "Tell her they are fine and to have a great night. See them tomorrow." 

Matt's POV - Part 2:
"They say to tell you both that the kids are fine and that you guys should have a great night. They also say that you will see them tomorrow."  I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course. Now, can we get the room?" The receptionist nodded and agreed with me. Going to give her our key, she smiled. "Here...since you won a bet, might as well upgrade you guys. And you guys have 3 kids deserve it." I smiled when she said that and agreed. "Thank you." Wrapping my arm around Gabby, I smiled as I prepared to lead her upstairs to our suite. "God, that was nice...they upgraded us to a suite for free. By the way, we do not tell Jay and Erin that."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Definitely not." Walking into the elevator together, I smiled as we looked at the room number on the key before heading upstairs together. I just hoped that little stunt that the receptionist pulled gave the hotel enough time to finish setting up our room. I had a little surprise for her that she was going to love.

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