Checking In

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Matt's POV: After ordering me and Gabby some fried chicken and fries for supper (they deliver here apparently), I went to set my cell phone down so that I could sit down with her again. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as I went to kiss her forehead. "Just remember that everything is going to be fine. Oh, and that we are not going anywhere. We are here on a date that we won....I am not going to give it up when Jay and Erin are paying for this." Gabby laughed and nodded when I said that before going to grab the iPad again so we could call Jay's iPad.

That's when he answered and I was not happy at the sight. It was the sight of my daughter on his (shirtless) chest! "HEY! You stop doing that and put a shirt on mister!" Jay then went to show me the shirt he had in his hand. Seeing it was full of throw up, I understood. "Your daughter had a blow out on my shirt. Erin is grabbing me a new one since she refuses to calm down for anybody but me." I nodded when he said that. "Did you try Louie?" Jay then went to show us that Louie was asleep next to him in his bed. "We ran outside for a bit and he is wiped. Perfect for us."

I agreed with him. "And what about our other son. How is he doing?" Jay then went to get up and went to show him in the crib that we had in our room. "Sorry if we are down here in your room tonight. We thought that it'd might be easier on them to sleep in their own beds with things that they are used to rather than have to take it upstairs. It also smells like you guys a bit down here so that helps." I agreed with him. "Go ahead, that makes complete sense man." 

That's when I heard Erin come and join the conversation. "I swear, she better not do it on this shirt. That was the nice shirt I brought if we decided to go on a date." Jay agreed with her when she said that. Putting Hannah on our bed, he then sat up and went to put his shirt on. "Believe me babe, I am positive that she is not going to have a blow up when she is really calm. Her parents' voices are calming her down right now. Matt and Gabby are on FaceTime right now."

Sitting down next to Jay, Erin  went to look at us and smiled. "We just finished feeding them and we made Louie some Kraft Dinner. I hope that was okay." Gabby nodded when Erin asked her that. "It's fine Erin, that is a great fast meal that I always make for him. He is guaranteed to like it and that's all that matters really. If he likes the food and isn't going to complain when it comes to us asking him to eat it...then you go ahead and feed him that. I mean, I feed it too so, I can't say no. By the way, have you guys been feeding the babies every 2 hours since we left?"

Erin agreed with her when she asked her that. "Of course we have Gabby. It's not like you haven't texted me whenever I am supposed to feed them." Gabby then blushed when she said that. "Oh calm down, like you aren't doing the same with Jay." Jay then went to expose me. "Oh, he has been so...don't even lie to either of our wives and say that you haven't been Matt. And you have also been texting me to check on Hannah all the time. Why are you not checking in on Gabriel and Louie more?" I then sighed. "Because she's my little girl. That's why."

Jay agreed with me when I said that. "Of course, I promise that it won't happen again. Anyways, this shirt is the throw up is easier to hide." I nodded when he said that. "By the way, I am not sure if you guys have heard but..." Jay then laughed and nodded. "Yeah, we just got the poster. It's Chief Casey vs. Detective Dawson in this year's Battle of the Badges Charity Boxing Match at Dawson's Man Cave Boxing Ring." Gabby laughed when he said that. "Yeppers."

I looked at her when she said that. "Oh by the way, Antonio had the nerve to say that Gabby was going to cheer him on. I mean seriously, she is my wife and he already has MY SISTER in his corner! Not a chance is he getting my wife too!" Erin laughed when he said that and nodded when I saw Louie look at us. "How are you feeling mama? I heard that you were stressed." Gabby nodded when Louie ask her that. "I am doing better buddy. Your dad has been a big help."

Louie nodded when Gabby said that. "When are you coming back to the cabin mommy?" I then sighed when he said that. "We should be back in the morning okay buddy? Are you not having fun with Jay and Erin?" Louie then looked at us. "I scared. What if Auntie Erin starts to give birth like mommy did at the firehouse? I can't take care of the babies by myself." I sighed when he said that because that was a topic that was start hard for me to think about. Gabby should have never gone into labor. She was way too early and the babies could still develop problems.

Gabby went to grab my hand when Louie said that and took a breath. "That isn't going to happen buddy. Plus, Jay's brother Dr. Halstead is there...he is going to be there to take care of Erin while Jay can take care of you and the babies until we are there." Louie nodded when Gabby said that. I then went to turn and look at Jay. "Jay, it isn't going to happen okay? The circumstances that led to Gabby having that happen is much different than your circumstance."

Jay nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "You're right man. I shouldn't even be thinking that way." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Good. Now, listen...I just heard supper arrive. We need to eat because after that, we are going out for a walk." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that and smiled. "That sounds perfect." I nodded and smiled when Gabby said that. Going t o kiss her forehead, I smiled. "Listen Louie, daddy has to go get supper. So I am going to say goodnight okay? We will talk in the morning." Louie nodded and smiled. "Night daddy!"

Going to get up, I smiled at Gabby. "Give me a minute and we can eat." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Then we are going for a walk." I smiled as I went to grab my mask so that I could go get the food we ordered for supper tonight.

NOTE: I am not going to be writing them eating supper. Instead, I am going to skip to after it when they are getting ready to leave on their night walk.

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