Breastmilk Fridge?

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Matt's POV: After making my way upstairs, I smiled when I saw Will in the living room watching some sports. "What team?" Will laughed when I asked him that. "I am just watching highlights from home. What you doing up here? I thought you were all cuddled up to your family in bed." I nodded and smiled. "I was...until I remembered that we need something. Do you guys by any chance have a little beer fridge or something that we can use?" Will was confused when I asked him that. "Yeah, downstairs...go right ahead." I then sighed. "Like in our room preferably?"

Will just looked at me. "What's it for?" I then smiled. "It would be our breastmilk fridge." Will laughed when I said that and nodded. "Okay, that is just funny. God, that makes sense guys need a place where you can keep the breastmilk cold. Yet it also has to be in your room so that you can feed the kids in the middle of the night." I nodded and agreed with him. "Think you have one in the garage out there or maybe even in the basement already?" That's when I heard Jay come downstairs. "What are you looking for Matt?" I then laughed.

"I am looking for a little fridge that we can use to store breastmilk." Jay nodded when I asked him about that. "Okay, that makes sense. I know we have a beer fridge downstairs. You probably want it in your room don't you though?" I nodded. "If possible." Will then bit his lip. "That fridge downstairs needs to stay in that plug. It's not a normal's one of those industrial plugs that they especially installed there so that you can put the fridge. I mean, that is the only one I can think of that we have downstairs or even in the garage. That's full of a bunch of junk."

I nodded when they said that. "How big is the fridge downstairs?" Will then laughed. "Exactly why it was to stay where it is. But maybe we can find a plug like it and we can move it closer to your bedroom." I sighed when they said that. "How about first we go see if it even works. If not, we need to go out for a bit and get me a fridge that can work in just a normal room outlet. I mean, unless that would be too much for the electrical grid to handle?" Jay shook his head when I asked him that. "It should be fine man. Believe me, we brought speakers once."

We all nodded when he said that. "Here, let's go see the fridge and I can see if it works." Getting up, we all made our way downstairs to go check the fridge. "Now, is it safe or something?" We all agreed and nodded while walking downstairs together. Making our way to the backroom, they showed me the fridge and I noticed that I could see the room from here. "I guess this works." Going to open the fridge, I let out a huge scream because I just saw a racoon in there. I then went to jump on the counter because I was scared.

Both Jay and Will looked at me when  I did that and just laughed. That's when Gabby rushed over. "Babe, you okay?" I then just looked at her when she saw the raccoon in the fridge. "Wow, and I thought you went camping sometimes." I then looked at her. "You aren't scared of it?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "Nope, but apparently you are." Gabby then went to grab her phone from her pocket and went to take a picture of me. "What are you doing?" Gabby then smirked as she went to send a text to both Severide and her brother.

'Found a dead racoon in the basement fridge, here's Matt's reaction.' 

I then looked at Gabby. "Okay, who did you send that too?" Gabby then smirked and just walked away. "You'll find out when they call us." Jay then walked up to me and went to help me down. "I swear, your reaction was priceless dude! Oh and the look on your face." I nodded when he said that. "Just help me get it out of here." Will nodded and went to grab it. "How about you guys clean it and then you can bring it closer to your room." Grabbing the racoon, Will walked away because it was dead. "God and it was dead?" Jay nodded. "Yeah, let's clean this."

I nodded when he said that before going to walk over to the sink so that we could clean it. Filling it up with water, I went to grab some rags they had down here. Meanwhile, Jay put the fridge on the counter before going to open it better. "Oh god, there's racoon droppings in here." I then shook because that sounded disgusting. I then went to give him a rag and just went to start cleaning it. "Please get a new fridge tomorrow." Jay then turned to look at me. "Why me?" I then looked at him. "I am not going to use it again after this visit. I am the guest, you provide it."

Putting some soap in the fridge, I went to wash it. "God, and to think that my kids' food is going into this fridge." Jay nodded when I said that. "You could always use a cooler." I thought about it and shook my head. "Nope, this should be fine for now." That's when I got a text and I already knew who it was. Well, was either Severide or Antonio. Going to grab my phone, I went to check and just read the text that I got from Severide.

Severide: Seriously man, you were scared of a racoon in a fridge? It's a cabin.
Matt: Dude, I was shocked and it was disgusting. There was racoon droppings.
Severide: Well suck it up man! We have dealt with way worse. Remember the snake?
Matt: Don't remind me about that. It'll give me nightmares again!

Going to set my phone down, I went to grab my rag so that I could help Jay wash up the fridge. "So, I heard that he and Stella are engaged. When are they thinking of getting married?" I laughed and looked at him. "Honestly, I have no clue." Jay agreed and nodded when I got a text (again). However this time, it was from my sister.

Christie: Same old Matt, still scared of racoons!
Matt: It was inside of the fridge I am going to use for Gabby's breastmilk.
Christie: Then why are you guys still using it?
Matt: There are no better options right now. How are you anyways?
Christie: Doing better. However, I got exposed to COVID again. At work this time.
Matt: Did you get your test results yet? What about Antonio?

Christie: I get them tomorrow. I am isolating from Antonio and Violet. They came back negative.
Matt: If you need me to come back and take care of Violet, I will!
Christie: Matt, you stay there. Remember, you don't have a home because it....
Matt: I know, you're right. BTW the just ruled it Arson.

That's when I got a call from Christie. "Hey Jay, can you clean that for me? It's my sister and probably Antonio." Jay nodded when I asked him that. "Sure, of course. I will bring it to you." I smiled and nodded, going to rub his back so that I could talk to my sister in bed.

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