Date Night Part 10

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30 Minutes Later - Back at the Hotel:
Matt's POV: After making our way back to the hotel, I couldn't help but smile as I finished getting undressed and getting the bath ready for me and Gabby. Coming out of the bathroom with my towel around my waist, I looked at Gabby as she stood at the window while shedding a few tears. That (unfortunately) got me a little concerned considering this should be a very happy time for us. I just proposed to her again and asked her to marry me in a real wedding. What if the world could be wrong? Walking over to her, I went to rub her back. "Hey, what's wrong Gabby?"

Gabby then turned around to look at me and went to rub her eyes. "Oh nothing..." I then looked at her. "Babe, we have been married for 3 1/2 years. I know when something is wrong. Talk to me Gabby." Putting my hand on her neck, I went to wipe away a tear that was on her cheek. "Gabby, you know that I am always going to be here for tell me what's going on." Gabby then sighed. "Matt, I want to do the vow renewal...I just maybe need a bit of time to get over the idea that my maid of honor isn't going to Shay." I then went to rub her arm and sighed.

"God, is this a mistake? That's why you wanted to go a courthouse wedding isn't it? Because Shay wasn't going to be your maid of honor." Gabby then shook her head. "Matt, don't even think about that okay? I want to marry you in a real wedding. It's just hard." I nodded when she said that before stepping close to her and then going to kiss her forehead. "Listen, I have the bath ready for us. How about you come with me and we can go take a bath together? I can give you a massage and maybe that will help you." Gabby nodded and agreed with me.

Going to grab her hand, I smiled as I intertwined our fingers. "C'mon, let's go take a bath and then we can just cuddle in bed again? We can talk things over if you need to okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, following me to the bath so that we can just take a breather and relax in each other's arms before bed.

NOTE: Sorry this one was so short. I didn't know what else to write.

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