Chapter 491

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Matt's POV: After making my way downstairs (with Jay), I walked in to see what was wrong. That's when I saw the babies cribs were all wet. Turning to look at him, I was furious. "You let MY CHILDREN sleep in cribs that were all wet last night?" Jay then got nervous when I said that. "Just curious, did you change their diapers at all last night?" Gabby looked up at Jay when I asked him that because that was probably what she was worried about. 

"Wait, you have to change babies' diapers overnight?" I then stared at him. "Get me your brother." Will then walked in and I just went to cross my arms. "Care to explain why my princess woke up this morning while being covered in her urine and feces?" Will then got nervous. "I may have forgotten to change her overnight." I just shook my head. "You are a doctor Will, how do you not know that you have to change kids overnight!" I was just disgusted with that and went to dismiss them. "Jay, go start me the bath in the washroom and then take care of Louie."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "Don't screw up with our son...then I am going to be very mad." They both nodded and got scared. Taking Louie upstairs, Will walked away while Jay went to start a bath for the babies. I then sighed and went to walk over to Gabby. "So much for a great outcome last night." Gabby then sighed as she turned to look at me. "You better have enjoyed your last night alone with me on this trip. That is not happening again after this happened." I agreed with her when she said that before going to grab Hannah from her crib. 

"Hi princess, did you miss daddy last night? You are probably really mad at how bad those stupid boys took care of you last night." She then went to cuddle up to me while I put her on our bed. Laying her down, I went to start getting her undress and just smiled as I bent over her. Kissing her forehead, I smiled at her. "Don't worry...mommy and daddy aren't leaving you anymore. You are going to be well taken care of and everything is going to be okay from now on." I then smiled.

Going to take off her PJ, I then sighed when I saw just how bad her diaper was. I then decided to pick her up and just looked at Gabby. "When we see those Halstead brothers, we are both going to stay calm and just do what we have to do with the kids okay? They are done taking care of them and now...they are safe with their mommy and daddy now." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Yes they are." Going to grab Gabriel, Gabby then went to walk over to me and grabbed my hand as we carried them away to the washroom. Look at Jay, I sighed.

"Word of advice man, you might want to practice when it comes to taking care of kids. I am pretty sure that if you did that to your twins...Hank would not have been impressed. And if Hank would not be impressed, you know that you screwed up." Jay nodded when I said that. "Agreed." I then smiled as I went to check the water before looking at him. "Can you get us some towels for them? Then you can feed Louie some breakfast okay? We'll wash them and then we'll come up." Will agreed and went to grab us some towels for when they are done in the bath.

Meanwhile, I went to get Hannah's diaper off so that I could put her in the bath. "There we go princess, now we can wash you up." Gabby then went to do the same with Gabriel and smiled at me. "I think this is the first time we have given them a bath in a while. By the way, we still need to find a new place at least temporarily." I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Just relax for now. Right now, we need to take a breath and come up with a way to get back at Jay and Will."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I like what you are thinking there. We can prank them or something?" I nodded when she said that. "Or we can unleash Louie on them when Jay and Erin are trying to get intimate with each other." Gabby smirked when I said that. "Oh now that would be sweat justice for both doing this to our babies and when they rudely interrupted us while we were doing it in the water." I smiled when she said that. "You were amazing." Smiling at me when I said that, Gabby then went back to concentrating on Gabriel and washing him.

"Okay bud, you are probably not going to like this but...I have to do it little man and I am so sorry about that." Going to wash behind his hears, Gabby sighed considering how painful it was for her to see him in pain. "Okay, mommy's done." I sighed and nodded when she said that before going to rub her back. "Listen, you can go get him dressed. I have her and I would love to have a bit of alone time with my baby girl." Gabby laughed and agreed with me. Kissing my cheek, Gabby smiled at me. "I want to call Chicago and check up on everybody."

I agreed. "I want to see what Severide and Stella are up to and I know you want to check on the house." Gabby nodded when I said that. "But all I am concentrating on right now is making sure that my baby girl here is all clean. You want me to yell at Jay and Will a bit more?" Gabby then thought about it and shook her head. "No, I am positive they got the message. Anyways, they are the ones who are going to have to clean up the mess we leave." I nodded and smirked.

Getting up, Gabby looked at me and just smiled while leaning down to kiss me softly. "See you soon." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. After watching her get up and walk away, I turned my attention back to Hannah while I was washing her. "I swear, those Halstead boys have no clue just how much trouble they are going to be in when I am upstairs. I may have already yelled at them down here baby girl but...I am still not impress with them, especially Jay. I mean, he is a future dad. How in the world can he expect this to be appropriate?"

Gabby obviously overheard me when I said that and popped her head back into the washroom. "I know right. I think you should really talk to him about that." Turning to look at her, I nodded and smiled at her. "Listen, you just get changed into something comfortable. I want to stay here at the cabin today and just have some family time. We don't have to hang out with the Halsteads but...I wouldn't mind it if we did. After all, it is their cabin and we need to socialize with some people." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "We'll see."

We both agreed with that statement while I finished washing Hannah. Meanwhile, Gabby went back to the bedroom so that she could get Gabriel dressed into the new outfit. I didn't really take my time though because I was hungry. The faster that both our kids were clean and dressed...the sooner I could go upstairs and have some breakfast. I just hoped that they were good cooks. After what they did to our kids last night, I want a really good, delicious breakfast.

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