Date Night Proposal

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Matt's POV: After making our way to the waterfront together, I smiled as we found a bench that we could sit on. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled and just felt her put her head on my shoulder. "How are you feeling stress wise, just curious? I have been meaning to ask. I know I should have done it a thousand times before now but..." Gabby then laughed and turned to look at me. "Matt, I have never felt more relaxed than I am right now. Believe me when I say that."

I smiled when she said that and agreed with her. Going to grab her hand, I intertwined our fingers and just smiled at her. "I can are just so carefree tonight and I love it when you are that way. Ever since you got back to Chicago, I have seen you under so much stress. I just hope that me taking over as Chief has never contributed to that." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Babe, I wish I could say that it didn't has been scary to think you are still at fire sites."

I nodded when she said that and smiled. "I know but...I hope that you know that I am always with you where it matters. In your heart. Sure, I may not always say the right things and stuff but, I want you to know that I will always be there for you." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt, what's going on? Please don't tell me that you are here to tell me that you think we need a break so that you can concentrate on the firehouse more?" I then went to shake my head.

"Hey, I never...ever want to hear you say that. God, I am not sure why I am so nervous about this. I am trying to make this stupid speech and it's not working out the way I planned at all considering that is what you thought I was trying to say to you." Gabby was confused when I said that. "What are you talking about Matt? And stop with the BS. Tell me what's going on right now." I then sighed and went to grab the box that was holding the new ring I made for Gabby.

Gabby saw the box and looked at me. "Matt, are you..." I then laughed and went to get on one knee. "Gabby, I already told you this in private. I want to give you the wedding of your dreams...and I want you to know how happy that I am that we are in this life together. I want to recommit to you the proper way in front of our family and friends. So Gabby, I want this ring to signify that we are going to do this right this time...with a real big wedding with the kids."

Gabby smiled and went to tear up when I said that. "Yes, of course. We already talked about that." I agreed and laughed. "Well, what's a wedding without a real romantic that's what this is." Gabby smiled when I said that. She then went to put her hand out and smiled as I went to grab the ring for her and put it on her finger. "That is your new wedding ring just an FYI...don't expect one at the vow renewal." Gabby smiled and laughed when I said that.

"Listen, I just don't want to rush anything. I want to do this right this time around okay? I want to do the wedding planning...the guest list, the cake tasting. I want to give you the wedding of your dreams with all of our friends. I mean sure, I would've rather done it when Shay was alive but...we can figure out a way to incorporate her." Gabby smiled and nodded while going to wrap her arms around me. Just holding her close, I smiled while rubbing her back.

Gabby then leaned back and looked at me. "Okay, I am just saying that we are not doing it this year. What do you say we do it next year on the day of or the weekend closest to our 5th wedding anniversary? I know that's in the winter but..." I then stepped close to her before smiling. "Gabby, like I said...I want this to be our dream wedding. If that's when you want to have our dream wedding, then that is when we are going to have it. Just not too expensive though."

Gabby agreed with me. "Listen, let's keep going with our walk. I think I saw an ice cream place down there. Then, we can head back to the hotel and cuddle up in bed. I know we said a bath but...maybe we can do it in the morning before we leave." I sighed. "I want to sleep in since we have the chance and I don't want to rush the bath. How about we do it tonight while I give you a massage?" Gabby thought about it and nodded. "Sure, that sounds perfect. Just a bit longer."

Going to grab Gabby's hand, I smiled as we kept walking for a little while longer before heading back to the hotel so that we could take a bath together.

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