Date Night Part 8

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Matt's POV: After having a nice supper with Gabby, I smiled as I got changed to take her for a nice walk. We were right by the water here and I thought it would be a good way to clear our heads before going to bed tonight. Grabbing the mask I put on my side table, I went to put it on my wrist before grabbing my phone and wallet. Putting them in my pockets, I turned around when I saw Gabby come out of the washroom in her skinny jeans and a nice blouse. "" Gabby then got nervous. "I know, it's too soon. The heels probably make the outfit look worse. I'll..."

Walking over to her, I went to grab her hands and smiled at her. "I am saying wow because my wife looks gorgeous in these skinny jeans, high heels and loose blouse. Gabby, I will never say wow if you look as gorgeous as you do right now." Gabby smiled when I said that before wrapping her arms around me. Looking into her eyes, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. Gabby just smiled as she held me close and took it slow with me. "God, how must you always know how to make me feel better right away?" I smiled when she said that and kissed her forehead.

"I know how to make you feel better right away because we have a connection that not many people have. Gabby, we are connected in ways that not many people will ever understand. We have been through tremendous loses together and we have also been through a lot of really happy events together. I would have to say that our connection has never been stronger than it is right now. You having our wonderful twins was something that just made me love you even more. First, it was because it was the risk you were taking...then it was that you made me a dad."

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Technically, you have always been a dad. As much as it doesn't seem true...we both know that Louie has seen you as his daddy since right before we got married." I thought about it and nodded while going to wrap my arms around her. "You know, I am not sure if I ever told you this but...the real reason that I wasn't ready to take Louie in when you first asked me was because I was still grieving for the baby we lost." Gabby looked up at me when I said that. "Really?" I sighed and nodded. "I just didn't want to say anything."

Looking at me when I said that, I could tell that Gabby felt bad. "Why didn't you say anything? Matt, you were my fiancé at the time...I would've tried to understand." I sighed and nodded while going to kiss her forehead. "But it doesn't matter anymore because now, he is our son and that is all that matters. Just don't expect us to foster any more kids...we are done at 3." Gabby then looked at me. "Not even if it was another baby girl to balance us out?" I then thought about it and actually liked that idea. "God, why must you make that sound so appealing?"

Gabby smiled at me. "Listen, I am not saying right now...." I nodded when she said that. "Give me a couple years with just us and the three kids and then we can revisit this. I mean, I love the idea of having a second daughter. But right now, I want to think about something else. I want to think about me and you going to take a walk by the water. How does that sound? A nice walk...then we come back here and get in bed before falling asleep in each other's arms? We can listen to music while we talk or we can just talk about random things like a normal couple without kids."

I laughed when she said that before going to turn around. Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers and smiled as I went to open the door for us. "That sounds like a perfect way to describe how this is going to go." Gabby  nodded and agreed with me as we both made our way out into the hallway and towards the elevators when I got a text from Jay. It was a picture of the twins in their cribs. I smiled at the picture and decided to wait until we were in the elevator to show Gabby. Going to push the button to go down, I smiled when the doors opened.

Walking in with Gabby, I smiled as I went to open the picture for the both of us. Quickly taking a glance at it...I couldn't help but love the sight of our twins sleeping close to one another, holding each other like they did in the hospital. "I guess what they say about twins having this special bond even after they are born is true." Gabby was confused when I said that. "What are you talking about?" Going to give her my phone, I went to show her the picture. The minute she saw it, Gabby smiled and wrapped her arm around my back. Kissing her forehead, I smiled.

Riding down to the lobby, I smiled as Gabby continued to look at the picture while I grabbed  her hand and intertwined our fingers to lead her out of the elevator. "Here, how about you give me my phone and I can put it in my pocket? You can look at it again later okay?": Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "By the way, on our way home tomorrow...I want to stop at the grocery store okay? I want to get our snacks and stuff." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Oh definitely, that sounds like the plan." Gabby smiled and nodded as we walked outside.

Leaving the hotel, I smiled as we both make our way to the waterfront so that we could take a walk together while the sun was this was going to be the perfect way to end the day. And it is also going to be the perfect place to give her the early birthday gift/anniversary gift that I got her. I was thinking of waiting to give it to her but...I wanted to give it to her now. It was a new wedding band that had our kids' birthstones on them. This one was much more personal and I was ready for her to wear it for the rest of her life.

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