Chief Casey vs Detective Dawson

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Matt's POV: As I looked at the flyer for this year's Battle of the Badges, I was shocked when I saw my name as the representative for the CFD. Looking at Gabby, she just smiled at me. "Oh c'mon, you think this is a good idea? Me going up against your brother in the annual Battle of the Badges charity boxing match?" Gabby nodded. "It's probably the safest option. Think about it. We are family, that means that you guys can do it a bit safer." I then shrugged and just sighed. "Quick question, who's corner would you be in?" Gabby then laughed. "My brother's obviously!"

I then stared at her when she said that. "Excuse me!" Rolling over on top of her, I went to lean down and started to kiss her neck in a way she didn't like. Gabby then groaned. "Matt, stop!" I then  went to whisper in her ear. "Not until you tell me the right answer about who's corner you are going to be in." Gabby nodded when I said that before turning my head. "Of course I am going to be in yours." Kissing her, I smiled as I went to roll over off of her. "You better keep that answer that way. Sorry babe, but you are always in my corner when it comes to sports!"

Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled. That's when I heard my phone ring. Going to check who it was, I saw it was Antonio. He must've just got the e-mail too so, I went to answer. "Hello?" Antonio then laughed. "Why didn't you tell me that you were considering going up against me in this year's Battle of the Badges?" I then laughed when he said that. "See, here's the thing...I didn't exactly volunteer. They just made the announcement and I learned about it at the same time as you did. I mean, I already knew you were boxing but not me." Antonio agreed with me.

"Are you still going to do it or are you going to bow out?" I then bit my lip before deciding to put the call on speakerphone. "You are on speaker Antonio, Gabby is here." Gabby then went to speak to him. "Hey Tonio." Antonio then laughed. "My niece and nephews there?" I then smirked. "We are actually at a hotel in town. Jay and Erin are getting practice, with the help of his brother taking care of babies. We won a game and the prize for us was a night alone at a hotel so...we agreed to take it. And so far, we are really liking it. It's been a lot of fun!"

He agreed and understood. "So back to the Battle of the Badges. What's it going to be like having to face me when your wife is in my corner?" Gabby then got offended. "Uhm, who said that I was going to be in YOUR corner!" Antonio then laughed. "Because you are ALWAYS in my corner." Gabby then laughed. "Well not this year. Since you are going to be boxing MY HUSBAND...I am going to have to be in his corner. I think that is only fair considering HIS SISTER is going to be in your corner." Antonio agreed when Gabby said that. "True, and your niece too."

I then went to veto that. "Sorry but, that is NOT happening. I don't care if my sister is going to be in your corner...because that is fair since your sister is in my corner. But when it comes to MY NIECE you are going to have to give her spot to Eva. Violet is going to be routing for her favorite uncle." That's when Violet joined the conversation. "Sorry uncle Matt but, I would rather be in Antonio's corner since he is actually going to win. No offence but you have no chance." I then shook my head. "Okay, well you are on Antonio. Gabby, we have to start training ASAP."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled. "I promise, I am going to train you so that you have a chance." I then looked at her when she said that. "So I have a chance at winning? Or hell no, I need to make a statement. There is no way in hell that I am going to loose when I am the newest Chief in the CFD!" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Of course not babe. Now listen, how about we get off the phone with Antonio so that we can order supper?" I agreed with her and nodded. "Antonio, we'll train together okay?"

Antonio laughed and agreed. "And we are doing it for charity so no hurt feelings!" I agreed with him when he said that. "Of course. Now listen, I need to let you go so that we can order supper. Talk later man." We both agreed and I went to hang up. Turning to look at Gabby, I Smiled at her. "How about you bring up the menu of the iPad since we have it out?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Can we call and check on the kids after?" I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Of course we can." Moving to sit up more, Gabby cuddled up to me again while I wrapped my arm around her so that we could look at the menu together.

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