July 11, 2020

46 1 0

Meanwhile, back at the Halstead Family Cabin:
Jay's POV: As I stand outside on the back porch to do a quick morning workout, I go to put in my headset when I remember that is probably not the best idea. With us still watching Matt and Gabby's kids...I need to keep my ears open so that I don't have to worry about possibly hurting Louie if he gets too close to my weights. That's when I heard Erin come outside with him. "Hey, this guy just woke up." Turning around to look at Louie, I smiled at him. "Hey bud, you sleep good?" Louie nodded when I asked him that. "When are mommy and daddy getting here?"

I sighed when he said that and looked at Erin. "You are lucky that you are escaping this conversation." Erin smirked and nodded. "I am going to take a shower downstairs in the steam shower you have. Remind me why we didn't take the downstairs bedroom again?" I then laughed. "Because they needed the two bedrooms for their kids." Erin agreed and smiled. "And they are still asleep right?" Erin nodded. "Last time I checked, yes. But we are on our last set of bottles so...can you give Matt and Gabby a call to tell them that? I won't be long, promise."

I nodded when she said that and smiled as she walked back inside. Once she was gone, I looked down at Louie. "You hungry bud?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Daddy normally gives me cereal." I nodded when he said that and smiled. "What type of cereal does he give you? Mind showing me so that I can maybe give you some?" Louie nodded and agreed as he grabbed my hand and then led me into the house. "Why were mommy and daddy gone last night?"

Looking at him, I went to bend down and smiled at him. "Because your daddy has been under a lot of stress lately, he and your mommy needed some time to be together. Believe me but, they would've much rather spend time with you but sometimes...adults need to be together and just have time away. It makes their marriage healthier and stronger. And that's a good thing for you because it means that life at home is much happier." Louie agreed with me when I said that and smiled. I just hoped that I didn't say something wrong that might bite me in the butt later.

That's when I heard Will come downstairs. "Very well said man...you are going to be a natural when your kids are born." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Did you get your test results back?" Will nodded and smiled at me. "I already told you this...I am negative when it comes to COVID." I smiled when he said that. "Good, because if you exposed them to COVID last night...I am a dead man walking. And it may make me question whether I am going to be a good dad to my own twins." Will sighed when I said that. "Jay, you are going to be an amazing dad. I know it."

I sighed when he said that. "I guess I am just scared that I am going to be doing this alone...I mean of course I will have Erin, but we have no parents to help us unlike Matt and Gabby. You know what I mean right?" Will nodded when I said that. "Believe me, I know it man. You don't think I am in the same situation? Think about it...when I find the right girl to have kids with, my kids are never going to meet our parents. So Jay, you can talk about this with me since I get it."

I agreed with him and smiled. "Someday, we will. Now listen...this guy wants some cereal right Louie?" Looking down, I saw that Louie was gone. "Oh shit!" I then went to look around for him. "LOUIE!" I then went to run outside when I saw him playing with Champ in the backyard. "God, you scared me Louie. You can't run away from me like that when your parents aren't here." He nodded when I said that. "Sorry, I just wanted to play with the doggy." I agreed with him and smiled. "Hey Will?" Will then looked at me. "Do you mind maybe making breakfast? He wants..."

That's when we heard Matt and Gabby come in. "Some Cheerios?" Louie then turned to look at them when he heard his parents come in. "Daddy!" Running over to him, Matt smiled as he got down and went to hug him. "Hey bud, how are you?" Kissing his cheek...Matt smiled at him. "Your siblings awake yet?" That's when Gabby heard the babies cry downstairs. "I will go take care of them okay?" I nodded when she said that. "Good because I think we only have 1 bottle yet." Gabby nodded and agreed with me while setting her bags down. "Matt, breakfast?"

He nodded and agreed with her when she said that and smiled. "Of course babe." Getting up, he smiled at Louie. "How about we get you some cereal. Then your daddy can make mommy some pancakes. Or do you want some pancakes too?" Louie then smiled when Matt said that. "Please daddy?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Of course. How about you ask one of the boys here to go turn the TV on and you can watch TV while I make you some breakfast?" He nodded agreed.

Will then volunteered to take him and went right away before I could say anything. Walking over to Matt, I smiled at him. "How was the hotel? And how was the night?" Matt laughed when I said that. "If you are asking if I got any action...the answer is no. We had a great night though. She agreed to marry me again." I was confused when he said that. "I thought you guys were already married?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Yeah, in a courthouse ceremony. This time, we are going to do the whole thing. The ceremony, the party and everything. Gabby deserves it."

I smiled when he said that. "Honestly, I am not sure if I am ever going to give Erin that. I mean for you...you can do it because it's just friends that you are missing. I mean of course, you are missing your dad but...she is missing her entire family. I would still have my brother, she would have nobody there from her side of the family except for her de facto sister-in-law and nephew. Honestly, I don't think it was ever clear whether Hank ever really adopted her." Will then looked at me. "Yes, he did man. He is listed as her father on her medical files. I'm her doctor."

Looking at Will, I was confused. "Since when? I thought you said that you couldn't treat family." Will sighed. "I asked them for an exception to the rules based on the current situation. With her being pregnant, they understand that she is high risk and that they do not want her to catch COVID." I smiled when he said that and agreed. "Thanks man." That's when we all heard Gabby scream from downstairs. "HALSTEAD! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Matt got worried when she said that and went to rush downstairs to see what was (possibly) wrong with the babies.

Cabin Life: A Dawsey-Linstead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now