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Chapter 16

We were in the woods standing in a line in front of Kakashi with a set of four trees parallel to us at our backs. The order went from Kakashi's right to his left. Sakura, Me, Naruto, and Sasuke. I was relieved that for once I wasn't near the emo boy but then again I was more sulking from being placed between the two loud mouth idiots of the squad. Looking up towards the sky I found myself sighing. A beautiful day, darkened by my own heart and the fact I will have to put up with Sakura, Naruto, and whatever training Kakashi has me so worried over. I mean seriously. If he wants me to be comfortable with him and trust him. He shouldn't laugh at my fears and then scare me with sarcastic remarks. Even standing here before knowing what the training was going to entail, my palms were sweating and my lip feels raw from how hard I've been biting it.

Biting my lip again nervously I look from the sky back towards Kakashi Sensei. "Alright. Training starts now!" He claims as he leans on his crutches looking at all of us. His light weight demeanor suddenly changed to a more serious one as his gaze was no longer soft but hard. Nearly cold.

"Right!" Naruto was the only one of us willing to speak up anxiously.

"First we are going to begin with a review of Chakra, the ninja's basic source of power. Understanding Chakra is essential." Now he's trying to be a teacher. For some reason this persona doesn't really suit Kakashi Sensei in my opinion. I mean yeah, his eyes can go soft and he can actually be caring. But, I've always seen him as one to be most comfortable out in the field on assassinations. He can be just down right cold.

"We know that." Sasuke says as he sets his right hand on his hip trying to look all cool. I thought only guys who are more feminine act like that? Hmm.. Maybe I can add this to my ammo when I go to get under his skin. Smirking briefly at my own thoughts I fight to keep a giggle down.

"He's right. A long time ago we learned about. A.. uhh.. Catra." Naruto tries to sound like he knows what he's saying but only causes me to roll my eyes.

"Chakra.. Idiot." I mutter as I cross my arms.

"Go ahead Sakura." Kakashi speaks up giving her his approval for her to show off her book intelligence that she was just itching to let loose. I watch as she turns more towards Naruto rather than the rest of us and I scoffed causing her to close her mouth again. "Yes, Kira?" Kakashi asks me causing my gaze to fall on him again.

"Do you really need a long winded explanation from the girl who loves to hear herself talk? We all know she's book smart but she'll use this chance to talk until our heads spin." I mutter causing Kakashi's mask to wrinkle in a smirk.

"Just bare with it a little, Kira. It is obvious there are some in this squad that need a review." Sighing I look down showing I've given up my argument. He wasn't going to let the explanation be shortened anyway. Sakura needs as much motivation as any of us. If this makes her feel better about the fact she is over all week then I guess I can put up with it. "Go head Sakura." Kakashi repeats so Sakura knows she can speak now.

"Alright Naruto. I'll explain it simply so you can understand it. Chakra is the elemental life energy a ninja uses in jutsu. It's the source of all his power. Now this energy has two forms. Physical energy which exists in all the cells in the entire body working together, and spiritual energy. The primal source of power which is intensified from training and through experience... As you can see these two types of chakra must be drawn out and brought together in order to perform jutsu... Notice the interplay between physical and spiritual power. That's the key... Finally hand signs focus and unleash the chakra." At some point in her explanation she had pulled out a scroll about chakra as if she just carries it around with her wherever she goes.

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