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Chapter 50

Kakashi and Guy were standing back to back ready to take on any more opponents. "I'm shocked, I didn't think so many Sound and Sand Jonin would infiltrate the village!" Guy exclaims as he pushes back another attack. "Just think about it, that's why it's called war." Kakashi explains bringing his Kunai up preparing for the Jonin leaping in his direction. "I thought the Sand and Leaf were on good terms though!" Guy glowers as his fist meets the face of another Jonin. Before Kakashi could speak again he found his eyes widening as the Jonin who had just been in mid leap towards him crashes into the stands with a gurgling cry. "Huh?" Guy makes a sound of question as he looks over his shoulder to see the Sand Jonin grabbing for a thin razor wire that dug into his neck like a blade. "What the." He mutters just before a low grunting emits from in front of Guy drawing the eyes of both Leaf Jonin.

Standing with her back to them her left hand clutching the arm of a Sound Jonin who was pressing his Kunai further into her chest. Tendrils of her long black hair sticking to her skin as her newly acquired green vest was stained red from blood. Kakashi's eyes widen again as Guy gasps in startled shock taking in the sight of her white and black arm; leg warmers now sporting black and red colors. A deep inhuman growl rumbles from her small form as she drops lower towards the ground kicking the Jonin's feet from under him as she hunches more towards her left. Razor wire gleaming in the light as she pulls it taught yanking the ninja over her and sending him straight into the wall.

As she straightens up they watch her shoulders rise and fall from either exhaustion or pain. Her long black bangs sway with her movements before her swirling red hues meet their forms. Guy gasps at the sight of her glowing red eyes as she reaches up a blood covered hand to the Kunai still buried in her chest. "Tch, a hair lower and that jerk would have hit my heart." She grumbles as she yanks the blade from her own skin. Tossing it over the heads of Guy and Kakashi just in time to catch another Sand Jonin in mid leap for Kakashi.

"Kira?" Kakashi subconsciously questions bringing a nod from the girl in front of them just before she runs her bloodied fingers through her bangs causing them to flow over her eyes. Successfully blocking the glowing hues from sight.

"Enough small talk Sensei. Weren't you the one that told me not to drop my guard?" A faint smirk shows from beneath the edges of her bangs. "I've taken twenty six. How have you done?"

"T. t. Twenty six? But you... we are against Jonin level assailants." Guy utters, shock flowing freely in his tone just before he laughs and reaches to ruffle her hair. "Such Youthful vigor!" She smacks Guy's hand away from her head just in time to leap over him rewrapping her hands with her razor wire just to catch another assailant around their neck and pull him down with her.

"Make that twenty seven." She smirks almost as if she was thoroughly enjoying the fighting they were having to do causing Kakashi's eyes to soften upon her form. Feeling that she is finally releasing the emotions she had been keeping pinned up and hidden beneath a fake mask. Yet deep down he knew there was more to it then that. The girl before him who had not long ago held fear within her heart of what she could be capable of. A girl that had fought her own instincts to kill from not wishing to take the life of another. His student who was so unsure about herself is gone.

Within eyes Kakashi never knew she possessed was pain and anger barely lingering beneath the surface. A hatred swirling inside her threatening to take root. He watches in between his attacks as she continues to smile and even tend to giggle at times from the carnage around them. She was taking enjoyment ending another's life. Casting the girl away who he had come to know, using her razor wire as she would have normally used her blades. Letting the wire slice through the skin of her attackers even at intervals putting more strength behind her assaults then Kakashi had thought would be possible coming from such a small girl. Sending heads rolling on the ground only seemed to further entice her strangely good mood. He was being drawn in with worry for his student's mental health as he wondered if this is the result of her torture.

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