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         Chapter 49

A large smoke bomb suddenly goes off in the upper stands drawing my attention up to it as well as everyone else who had managed to release the Genjutsu. "Lord Hokage!" Guy shouts next to me before he and Kakashi move to run in the direction of the smoke.

"Leave it to me!" A familiar male voice calls as the owner of it along with other Anbu members quickly move up to the smoke. -The Hokage? - I silently question finding I could not quite decide if I was happy he was being attacked or not. As if to answer my own inner struggle the image of him standing before me while I was strapped to that chair flashes through my mind. Turning my attention away from what was happening became easier then I thought it would have been. With the majority of the audience asleep it was now easier for me to move towards the railing in silence as I look down at the arena.

The sand genin disappear with Gaara as my eyes find Sasuke kneeling down behind the exam proctor. A sand ninja standing before the proctor as if squaring off and preparing to fight. Orochimaru began the assault sooner then I had thought but it was still happening. The village will be under attack sending the shinobi in many different directions as they attempt to regroup before even trying to gain control over the situation. I am a chunin now on top of being one of the only ones still awake in the stands. I can already guess I will be instructed to stay here to help protect the unconscious citizens. Sasuke glances up towards the proctor before following the sand genin causing me to sigh. So the proctor sent him after those three on his own probably with the promise that reinforcements will follow.

I grip a hold of the railing tightly before I manage to take in a steadying breath, I can still feel a part of me wanting to follow him so I may protect him. -"Don't die for me. I need to become stronger and you protecting me all the time isn't helping."- Sasuke's voice echoes in my mind. Rationally I know that was just his fear talking from the situation we had found ourselves in at the time yet, I couldn't help but feel he may be right. What if my always being there to back him up is indeed hindering his growth? If that is the case then... "Why are you here?! Lord Hokage is in danger!" Guy's voice pulls me from my thoughts causing me to turn around only to see the familiar black cloak of an Anbu. From his shouting I can only figure I already knew what the mask would look like. I watch his arms raise in a hand seal just as four sound ninja land next to him.

"What a nuisance." Kakashi mutters as Guy glares down at the ones now in front of me.

"An enemy masquerading as Anbu black ops. So he was using Genjutsu." I sigh at Guy's words as my hands move towards my blade's handles.

"Yes there is no mistake."

"Kabuto." I mutter nearly smirking. Looking up at where the smoke had been I now take notice of a barrier covering the top of the high rise. -If I protect the village does that mean I have to protect him? What am I even thinking?- I silently ask myself as I shake my head. Walking around Kabuto and the sound ninja silently ignoring the feeling of eyes upon me. I move over to Rock Lee who was laying in a heap on the ground. -No, it's not a matter of protecting the village.- I kneel down and pick Lee up moving him to the nearest open seat and setting him upon the bench. -It's the matter of protecting those I care about. Like Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi... Lee.- Pulling a kunai discreetly while Kakashi and Guy are looking up towards the high rise again.

"Orochimaru." Kakashi points out just before Sakura shoots to her feet repeating him in a disbelieving tone.

"Sasuke!" She yells shortly after as she turns towards the arena. I shake my head pulling a second Kunai as two sound ninja leap toward her. Throwing the kunai up with a glare I watch as their attentions are momentarily distracted from having to block my attack. Giving Kakashi enough time to land above Sakura and strike them before they could reach her. I watch as the Sound ninja fall to the ground with a loud thud. Before I am able to gather enough of my bearings as to the current situation, to notice the foot that was now colliding with my chin. The force of the impact rattles my brain as I am sent flying back and over the railing.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now