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Chapter 19

Even hearing Sasuke in pain I kept going. I had to get out otherwise this would have been for nothing. Feeling pressure spike through my body a needle hits the back of my knee causing me to fall forward from the jolt to that particular nerve.

"Sasuke! Kira!" I hear Naruto before he too shouts in pain. Reaching back I pull the one from my knee and drop it to the ground. So he decided to go for a weak point in the body just to drop me? Why attack just to stop us? Moving to my knees I could feel the needles working deeper into my back but it seems I'm not in as much pain as when this game started. I guess I must be getting used to the feel of the needles. Hearing Sakura scream I turn my head in that direction unconsciously seeing Naruto shaking as he tries to move. "Sakura.. She's in trouble.." He finally summons up the strength to get on his hands and knees. "I'll bust us out of here!" My eyes widen. When did he become so strong? "I'll fake him out." He says as he stands. Rubbing my knee I try to work the nerve around so I too would be able to get up.

"You've exhausted my patience." I watch as Naruto somehow summons up the chakra to try and chakra step. Standing I go over to Sasuke and grab onto his arm to help him stand.

"We need to back him up." I say simply. Though this has proven to be no simple task.

"Naruto! Behind you!" Sasuke yells causing me to look at Naruto in time to see him be struck by a barrage of needles.. How did he... I look back at Sasuke wide eyed.

"Your chance at escaping my house of mirrors, is zero." Haku says as Sasuke yells Naruto's name. "That is absolute." Running over to Naruto with Sasuke I watch as he kneels down to him.

"Naruto are you able to get up?" I watch as Naruto can barely move. "Try not to use any more chakra. That's only going to help him now."

Finally raising himself up onto his hands he replies. "I know Sasuke, I know." He then just collapses an almost inaudible sound of me cussing escapes from me. We can't go on like this. He's blocking every move we make.

"My eyes have adjusted to his movements." Sasuke tells me before Haku's voice draws my attention.

"Looking for a counter attack? I'll save you the trouble!" My eyes widen as I watch Sasuke block all of the needles in an attack I couldn't even see. "What?!" Haku exclaims showing as much surprise as I was feeling. A smile curves at my lips. He's something special alright, unlocking his kekkei genkai in a battle like this. Seeing him drop to his knee out of exhaustion I glance back to Haku. What I may end up having to do will give Sasuke a chance even at my expense. Seeing Haku appear in all of the mirrors again I pull a Kunai out. My blades at this close to Sasuke would not be a good idea right now. The mirrors glow momentarily before another barrage of needles come down. Running to Naruto's other side I try my best to block as many needles from him as possible. By the end of it I was looking like a porcupine to say the least.

The only thing I can do right now is take some of the weight off of him. Picking up Naruto under one arm I continue to leap and dodge as many as I can. From what I had seen to this point Haku's attacks have become pretty predictable to me. Throwing Naruto aside I keep dodging so that Haku's attention is only on me and Sasuke. Finally the attacks stop and I see Sasuke throw a needle at a mirror. "Impressive, you have excellent moves your attacks are very skill full." I see Sasuke dodge another set of needles. "But you both have reached your limits as well." He begins to pop from one mirror to another. "Motor functions, reflexes, judgment. Your abilities are weakening slowly but surely. Now your finished." Closing my eyes I focus on my surroundings. Anticipate his next move, feel where will it be. Feeling Sasuke's arm latch around me before my feet leave the ground my eyes widen.

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